In the Shadow of the Valley: Private Equity Firms’ Increased Prominence in High-Tech Acquisitions

Funded Research Proposal

Why and how do private equity (PE) firms engage in technology acquisitions, and how do they create and capture value in these transactions? Observational data shows initial evidence that not only are PE firms engaging in an increasing number of technology buyouts, they are also seemingly behaving in distinct ways from both corporate acquirers, as well as PE firms in industries other than high-tech.Read More

What is the Importance of Pivoting for Firm Growth?

Funded Research Proposal

Does pivoting matter? How does it affect investment in innovation and firm performance? My goal is to analyze the relevance of pivoting for the development of a small firm into a mature one and to provide a better understanding of what constitutes a small firm.Read More

Leapfrogging for Last-Mile Delivery in Health Care

Funded Research Proposal

Lowering the cost and increasing the speed of last mile delivery are major challenges for the distribution channels of most industries. These challenges are even more severe in developing countries, where a large part of the population is located in rural areas, and where the lack of physical infrastructure results in a sizable part of the population residing in isolated areas, compromising their access to important services for their investment in human capital, such as timely health care.Read More

Being Innovative Pays Off, But When?

Funded Research Proposal

The research objective is to determine how quickly product innovation translates into higher stock market valuations. The novelty in the research approach is using online consumer reviews on websites including Amazon, eBay; combined with stock market data.Read More

Adoption of Predictive Analytics: Impact of Model Interpretability

Funded Research Proposal

One of the most important trends in business in recent years has been the growth of Big Data and predictive analytics. The trend started with traditional analytics and the emergence of decision support systems. With advances in machine learning (ML), systems can now take in large amounts of data, learn how human decision-makers have made decisions in the past, and make decisions autonomously (achieving human-level or superhuman performance in many activities). Read More

Impact Investing and Information Disclosure as Tools of Environmental Governance

Funded Research Proposal

Climate change remains a grand challenge of our time. Numerous actors relevant to business—both public and private—have worked to reduce or otherwise mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and to focus management attention on the issue of climate change.Read More

Corporate Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Product Development

Funded Research Proposal

Increasingly, corporations are investing in entrepreneurial firms. This trend has not been overlooked by researchers in the management literature, but the majority of research studying the effects of corporate venture capital (CVC) overwhelmingly takes the perspective of the organization with the venture capital operation. Read More

Strategies for Dynamic Experimentation

Funded Research Proposal

In this project, we seek to update the statistical paradigm for conducting A/B tests in the 21st century. In particular, we plan to develop a statistical framework that takes the guesswork out of deciding when to stop an experiment and to calibrate a firm’s decision thresholds based on their own historical data.Read More

FDA Regulation and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Funded Research Proposal

Standard economic theory recognizes a trade-off inherent in intellectual property protection between increased incentives for firms to innovate due to potential monopoly rights and the deadweight loss from those rights.Read More

Failed Disruption: A Cross-National Analysis of Books and Wines

Funded Research Proposal

Over the last two decades many categories of services have shifted from the traditional to the digital format, including music, news, job postings, and dating, among many others. Meanwhile, the sale of products has shifted significantly from physical to online channels, including clothing, toys, cosmetics, and even food.Read More

The Influence of Private Equity Experience on Corporate Transactions

Funded Research Proposal

This project considers whether CEOs and other top managers whose professional backgrounds are in private equity undertake different and/or more successful acquisitions and divestitures than CEOs and other top managers who do not have professional backgrounds in private equity.Read More

Race to E-Commerce: The Role of Firm Owners in Technology Adoption

Funded Research Proposal

This study aims to understand how firm ownership and governance influence the adoption of disruptive technologies in the early stages of the technology cycle. There is a growing recognition that owners have different goals and motivations that in turn, shape the strategic direction of the firms they control.Read More

Generic Competition and Strategic Delegation: An Empirical Study in Drug Patent Licensing

Funded Research Proposal

We plan to study the role of strategic delegation in the patent licensing process. In particular, we will examine the contractual terms of a large database of pharmaceutical drug license arrangements (royalty rates, contingencies, royalty bases, etc…), as well as which contractual terms were redacted versus non-redacted.Read More

The Added Value of Analytics and Impact of Exposure to Business Benchmarks

Funded Research Proposal

What is the impact of deploying an analytics solution on firm output? How is this impact generated by the firm? We use data from over 1,000 firms to estimate the causal impact of analytics and benchmarking on firm performance.Read More

Gender Differences in Founder’s HR Strategy and What Works When? Evidence from New Ventures in Innovation Industries

Funded Research Proposal

This project examines gender differences in founder’s human resource (HR) strategy and how such differences impact business outcomes, focusing on nascent ventures in high-tech innovative industries.Read More

Innovation Through Diversity: Understanding The Ever-Changing Consumer Landscape

Funded Research Proposal

As firms look to innovate, attention must be paid to the role cultural diversity (e.g. racial and gender diversity) plays in consumer interest in new products. In today’s society, firms need an understanding of how diversity can be used as an asset to engage consumers with their brands.Read More

Technological Innovations for Last-Mile Delivery in Health Care

Funded Research Proposal

We propose to study the impact of technological innovations in last-mile delivery on health care access, cost, and quality. To this end, we will examine the introduction of drones to deliver blood and other medical supplies to isolated areas in Rwanda.Read More