Failed Disruption: A Cross-National Analysis of Books and Wines

Funded Research Proposal

Over the last two decades many categories of services have shifted from the traditional to the digital format, including music, news, job postings, and dating, among many others. Meanwhile, the sale of products has shifted significantly from physical to online channels, including clothing, toys, cosmetics, and even food.Read More

The Influence of Private Equity Experience on Corporate Transactions

Funded Research Proposal

This project considers whether CEOs and other top managers whose professional backgrounds are in private equity undertake different and/or more successful acquisitions and divestitures than CEOs and other top managers who do not have professional backgrounds in private equity.Read More

Race to E-Commerce: The Role of Firm Owners in Technology Adoption

Funded Research Proposal

This study aims to understand how firm ownership and governance influence the adoption of disruptive technologies in the early stages of the technology cycle. There is a growing recognition that owners have different goals and motivations that in turn, shape the strategic direction of the firms they control.Read More

Generic Competition and Strategic Delegation: An Empirical Study in Drug Patent Licensing

Funded Research Proposal

We plan to study the role of strategic delegation in the patent licensing process. In particular, we will examine the contractual terms of a large database of pharmaceutical drug license arrangements (royalty rates, contingencies, royalty bases, etc…), as well as which contractual terms were redacted versus non-redacted.Read More

The Added Value of Analytics and Impact of Exposure to Business Benchmarks

Funded Research Proposal

What is the impact of deploying an analytics solution on firm output? How is this impact generated by the firm? We use data from over 1,000 firms to estimate the causal impact of analytics and benchmarking on firm performance.Read More

Technological Innovations for Last-Mile Delivery in Health Care

Funded Research Proposal

We propose to study the impact of technological innovations in last-mile delivery on health care access, cost, and quality. To this end, we will examine the introduction of drones to deliver blood and other medical supplies to isolated areas in Rwanda.Read More

Optimizing Service using High Dimensional Panel Data

Funded Research Proposal

We study how retail stores’ multi-dimensioned service levels affect consumers’ buying behavior in a spatial setting. To this end, we propose the Double Block-Lasso BLP estimator, which combines the double selection procedure introduced in Belloni, Chernozhukov, and Hansen (2014), with demand estimation methods set forth in Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes (1995).Read More

Do Institutional Reforms Perpetuate or Mitigate the Matthew Effect? Intellectual Property Rights and Access to International Alliances

Published Research

We explore how intellectual property rights (IPR), a type of formal institution, affect firms’ access to global alliance networks and their positioning within those networks. We employed a difference-in-difference design to assess the impact of IPR reforms across thirteen countries.Read More

Situating the Construct of Lean Start-Up: Adjacent Conversations and Possible Future Directions

Published Research

The lean start-up approach has garnered tremendous amount of interest in recent years and has become mainstream among entrepreneurs. However, this practitioners’ conversation has been largely decoupled from the broader academic literature in management and technology strategy. Read More

Power Transitions in the Host Country and the Survival of Subsidiaries in Infrastructure Industries

Published Research

We argue that for firms competing in infrastructure industries, a change in the government that granted the permission to invest in the host country increases the likelihood of divestment of foreign subsidiaries. Read More

Nonprofit Tax Exemptions, For-profit Competition and Spillovers to Community Services

Published Research

Nonprofits are increasingly present in industries with a large for-profit sector, raising questions about their competitive advantage afforded by the nonprofit tax exemption. We estimate an equilibrium model of market structure for recreation/fitness centers to assess whether nonprofit and for-profit firms compete directly for the same customer base.Read More

Breakthrough Recognition: Bias Against Novelty and Competition for Attention

Published Research

Adding to the literature on the recognition and spread of ideas, and alongside the bias against novelty view documented in prior research, we introduce the perspective that articles compete for the attention of researchers who might build upon them. Read More

Big Pushes, Little Hollywoods: Local Economic Development Effects of Film Tax Credit Lotteries

Working Papers

The extent to which local incentive policies (such as subsidies and tax credits) are effective at spurring new centers of innovation, and whether these incentives induce overall productivity growth or just a shift of production from one region to another, is the subject of this proposal.Read More

Firm Responsiveness to Location Subsidies: Regression Discontinuity Estimates from a Tax Credit Formula

Working Papers

In 2011, California Governor Jerry Brown recognized several of the state’s existing firm incentive policies aimed at catalyzing innovative activity in the state, to be ineffectual, citing poor incentive design.Read More

Unlocking Value from Startups’ Ties to Established Firms: The Role of the Entrepreneurs’ Background

Working Papers

Evidence on whether startups benefit from corporate venture capital investment is equivocal. Research suggests that the principal impediment to value creation in these relationships for startups is the complexity of the larger organization – the varying incentive structures, layers of bureaucracy and convoluted decision-making processes that limit their access to valuable resources. Read More