Consequences of Misspecified Mental Models: Contrasting Effects and the Role of Cognitive Fit

Published Research

Mental models, reflecting interdependencies among managerial choice variables, are not always correctly specified. Mental models can be underspecified, missing interdependencies, or overspecified, containing nonexistent interdependencies.Read More

The Effect of a Tighter Link to Customers on Product Innovation Strategy

Funded Research Proposal

One of the important consequences of recent technological advances has been that firms and customers are in much closer contact with each other. Using the web and mobile technologies, customers have the ability to send more frequently and more accurately their needs to firms. In this project, we use a simulation approach to understand some of the consequences of these developments.Read More

Connectivity: Wharton Global Forum, Panama Edition

Panama Canal

Every year, the Wharton School hosts two Global Forums that bring together leaders from business and government, provide an opportunity for alumni to connect, and showcase faculty’s research. In the spring of 2014 our Co-director (and today’s guest author) Nicolaj Siggelkow attended the Global Forum in Panama, which included more than 300 participants.Read More

Dealing with Complexity: Integrated vs. Chunky Search Processes

Published Research

Organizations are frequently faced with high levels of complexity. While the importance of search for dealing with complex systems is widely acknowledged, how organizations should structure their search processes remains largely unexplored. This paper starts to address basic questions: How much of the entire system, and thus complexity, should be taken into consideration at any given time during a search process?Read More

Governing Collaborative Activity: Interdependence and the Impact of Coordination and Exploration

Published Research

We examine the performance implications of selecting alternate modes of governance in interorganizational alliance relationships. While managers can choose from a range of modes to govern alliances, prior empirical evidence offers limited guidance on the performance impact of this choice.Read More