Read an excerpt of Connected Strategy, the new book that shows how companies can design high-quality customer experiences while improving operational efficiency at the same time.…Read More
Read an excerpt of Connected Strategy, the new book that shows how companies can design high-quality customer experiences while improving operational efficiency at the same time.…Read More
Ravi Rishy-Maharaj, Founder and CEO of GigSky, discusses how his company has set out to smooth connectivity hassles for international travelers using eSIM technologies…Read More
Erik Charlton, CEO of NOON Home and previous Head of Business at Nest, discusses current initiatives to enhance wellness while working toward connected homes of the future.…Read More
Mack Institute co-director Christian Terwiesch has co-authored two new studies related to technology and health care. The first, which examined the impact of e-visits on primary care, found some surprisingly negative results about connectivity.…Read More
At the Mack Institute’s Fall Conference 2016, leaders from across industries discussed their companies’ pursuit of “connected strategy” defined by continuous customer engagement.…Read More
In April 2012, the Mack Center invited journalist David Spark to interview 20 leading scholars and industry figures on the implications of hyperconnectivity on business and daily life, as part of our day-long workshop After Broadband: Imagining Hyperconnected Futures. Their insights are recorded in 10-minute videos, freely accessible via the…Read More