Symbiont Practices in Boundary Spanning:  Bridging the Cognitive and Political Divides in Interdisciplinary Research

Published Research

Organizing for interdisciplinary research must overcome two challenges to collaboration: the cognitive incommensurability of knowledge and the political economy of research based in the disciplines. Researchers may not engage in interdisciplinarity because they would have to invest in new knowledge unrelated to their discipline or risk losing career-related rewards.Read More

Connecting Internal and External Networks of Cooperation: The North Star Alliance’s Roadside Wellness Centers Across Africa

Funded Research Proposal

This research project examines how organizations can develop innovative solutions to large-scale socio-economic problems in emerging markets through multi-stakeholder partnerships. The objective is to determine how these partnerships are built, what the optimal configuration of partners is, and how the partnerships should be coordinated.Read More

Governing Collaborative Activity: Interdependence and the Impact of Coordination and Exploration

Published Research

We examine the performance implications of selecting alternate modes of governance in interorganizational alliance relationships. While managers can choose from a range of modes to govern alliances, prior empirical evidence offers limited guidance on the performance impact of this choice.Read More