The Mack Institute engages with the community through events and programming that connect us to the rest of the university and beyond. From webinars to panel discussions to networking opportunities, we share Wharton knowledge with our neighbors in Philadelphia and around the world.
Upcoming Events
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Past Events
ChatGPT for Work, Education and Training
Profs. Ethan Mollick (Wharton) Christian Terwiesch (Wharton) Chris Callison-Burch (Computer and Information Science, Penn) weigh in on how LLMs like ChatGPT will change the workplace and the classroom.
Will AI Cause a “Jobs Apocalypse”?
Wharton Profs. Peter Cappelli, Manav Raj, Daniel Rock discuss how artificial intelligence will impact the workforce, and whether mass job loss (a “jobs apocalypse”) is inevitable or even likely.
Live Event Recaps
Tech Talks
A joint event with Philadelphia’s Department of Commerce, Tech Talks was a panel discussion with government officials and entrepreneurs on how Penn and Wharton can help solidify the city’s future as a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Mack Institute in Brazil
Mack Institute leadership traveled to São Paulo for Wharton’s Global Forum, where we hosted two events: a welcome reception featuring a talk on Generative AI in Innovation Management and a panel discussion on corporate venturing led by Prof. Serguei Netessine and featuring Brazilian business leaders.