Investment as an Influencing Strategy

Working Papers

Institutional environments are often considered exogenous in firms’ investment decisions. While the non-market strategy literature has discussed various approaches that firms may adopt to influence their interactions with institutions, such discussion is mostly absent in the analysis of market strategies. Read More

Firm Scope and Spillovers From New Product Innovation: Evidence From Medical Devices

Working Papers

When firms span related product categories, spillovers across categories become central to firm strategy and industrial policy, due to their potential to foreclose competition and affect innovation incentives. Read More

Optimal Network Design for Inducing Effort

Working Papers

Many companies create and manage communities where consumers observe and exchange information about the effort expended by other consumers. Such communities are especially popular in the areas of fitness, education, dieting, and financial savings. Read More

Standing by the Giants or Escaping the Battlefield: The Effect of FDI on Local Firm Creation – Evidence from China

Working Papers

What’s the effect of FDI on firms in cities receiving foreign investment? Agglomerating or crowding out? This paper tries to answer this question by studying local firm creation using Chinese Business Registration data. Read More

Women, Rails and Telegraphs: An Empirical Study of Information Diffusion and Collective Action

Working Papers

How do social interactions shape collective action, and how are they mediated by the availability of networked information technologies? To answer these questions, we study the Temperance Crusade, one of the earliest instances of organized political mobilization by women in the U.S. Read More

Co-opetition and the Firm’s Information Environment

Working Papers

Some firms in the technology sector choose to cooperate with competitors (“co-opetition”) in Standards Setting Organizations (SSOs). These SSOs create technology standards that facilitate rapid market penetration of new technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Blue-Ray. Read More

Information Technology, Organizational Delayering, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Canadian Microdata

Working Papers

This proposal explores how information technology and innovation in digitization affect organizational structure. Similar to earlier wave of IT adoption that substituted certain routine tasks, we plan to use the Workplace and Employee Survey from Canada to show that this new wave digitization and IT investments can induce a structural change in organizational hierarchies that differ from prior technologies. Read More

Skilled Immigration and Firm-Level Innovation: The U.S. H-1B Lottery

Working Papers

The growth of the global technology industry drives the migration of skilled labor towards countries like the United States that can utilize it, but the U.S. limits the immigration of skilled workers that are employed domestically by U.S. firms. Proponents argue skilled immigration allows firms to access technical skills that unavailable domestically and promote innovation, but there is little evidence of whether this firm-level effect exists.Read More

Experimentation, Learning, and Performance: Evidence from a RCT

Working Papers

Experimentation is the center of a fascinating debate among entrepreneurship practitioners. Inspired by the lean startup, much current practice advocates the intense use of experimentation. Conversely, a large entrepreneurship tradition emphasizes the importance of design and planning. Read More

Volatility and Venture Capital

Published Research

The performance of venture capital (VC) investments load positively on shocks to aggregate return volatility. I document this novel source of risk at the asset-class, fund, and portfolio-company levels. The positive relation between VC performance and volatility is driven by the option-like structure of VC investments, especially by VCs’ contractual option to reinvest.Read More

Using Machine Learning to Predict High-Impact General Technologies

Working Papers

Can machine learning techniques be used to predict high-impact, general technologies? We find that an ensemble of deep learning models that analyze both the text of patents as well as their bibliometric information can ex-ante identify such patents, accurately identifying 80 of the top 100 high generality patents in the hold-out sample. Read More

Inequality Aversion When the Reward is Scarce: The Case of Salary vs. Equity Compensation

Working Papers

Do workers have different equality preferences depending on the type of payoff? In many firms, the distribution of equity compensation is more equal than the distribution of salary. We design an experimental group production game to examine how workers respond to combinations of different distributions of equity and salary.Read More

External Verifiability of Accounting Information and Intangible Asset Transactions

Working Papers

Firms commonly use disaggregated accounting information to facilitate efficient contracting over intangible assets. However, reliance on accounting measures creates information asymmetries and thus a role for contract audits.Read More

The Effects of Pay Dispersion and Demographic Similarity on Employee Turnover

Working Papers

Scholars have long recognized that individuals compare their rewards to those received by similar others and that satisfaction is determined, in part, by perceptions of (un)fairness that arise from these comparisons. Extensive research has also found that individuals frequently select others as pay referents who share the same race and the same gender, suggesting that demographic similarity strongly affects equity perceptions. Read More

Social Capital and Innovation: Evidence from Connected Holdings

Working Papers

In this project, I want to study the financial intermediary’s impact on firm’s innovation. More specific, I want to study whether a firm can innovate more if its shares are heavily held by connected mutual funds. Here I define a mutual fund as connected if the mutual fund managers went to the same school as the top officers of the firm.Read More

Organizational Decision-Making and Information: Angel Investments by Venture Capital Partners

Working Papers

We study information aggregation in organizational decision-making for the financing of entrepreneurial ventures. We introduce a formal model of voting where agents face costly tacit information to improve their decision quality.Read More