![Funded Research Proposal](https://mackinstitute.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Funded-Research-Proposal-150x100.png)
I plan to provide a theoretical framework to understand how firms actively participating in global production adjust their technology strategies in the flux of deglobalization. …Read More
I plan to provide a theoretical framework to understand how firms actively participating in global production adjust their technology strategies in the flux of deglobalization. …Read More
In this proposal, we argue that support of populism can be explained by the interaction between individual economic and social experiences and aggregate economic shocks. We test empirically if personal experiences, information environment, and their interaction with aggregate economic shocks shape people’s political decisions. …Read More
Howard Yu, author of “Leap” and Lego Professor of Management and Innovation, discusses what makes a company successful in the long term and how to avoid replication by competitors.…Read More
Scholars have long recognized that individuals compare their rewards to those received by similar others and that satisfaction is determined, in part, by perceptions of (un)fairness that arise from these comparisons. Extensive research has also found that individuals frequently select others as pay referents who share the same race and the same gender, suggesting that demographic similarity strongly affects equity perceptions. …Read More