Alongside advances in technological innovation, dynamic pricing — which allows prices to change according to current market conditions — has played an increasingly important role in marketing.…Read More
Alongside advances in technological innovation, dynamic pricing — which allows prices to change according to current market conditions — has played an increasingly important role in marketing.…Read More
This paper examines how risk preferences differ over goods and in-kind monetary rewards. I study incentivized experiments in which subjects allocate bundles of either Amazon.com goods or Amazon.com gift credit (which must be spent immediately) across uncertain states. …Read More
We analyze the competitive capacity investment timing decisions of both established firms and start-ups entering new markets which are characterized by a high degree of demand uncertainty. Firms may invest in capacity early (when the market is highly uncertain) or late (when market uncertainty has been resolved), possibly at different costs.…Read More
People often reject creative ideas even when espousing creativity as a desired goal. To explain this paradox, we propose that people can hold a bias against creativity that is not necessarily overt, and which is activated when people experience a motivation to reduce uncertainty.…Read More