Family Firms and the Stock Market Performance of Acquisitions and Divestitures

Published Research

In this project, I seek to compare how effectively family firms undertake and implement acquisitions and divestitures relative to their non-family counterparts. While family firms are less likely than non-family firms to undertake divestitures, the stock market returns earned by the family firms that undertake these deals exceed those of non-family firms.Read More

Small Worlds in Context: How Generalizable is Interorganizational Network Structure?

Working Papers

Our field’s growing attention to interorganizational network structure frequently builds on the Watts and Strogatz (1998) small world model. Our literature has identified “small worlds” — actual networks which simultaneously obtain relatively high clustering and short path length — in many contexts. Read More

Influencers’ Role Complexity Moderates the Benefits of Eigenvector Centrality for Diffusion in Social Networks

Working Papers

Existing research on the diffusion of innovations has focused on the benefits of using central influencers to trigger adoption cascades in networks. Yet, prior work has not examined how influencers’ role complexity moderates these benefits. Read More

Grow Faster by Changing Your Innovation Narrative

Published Research

Managers have no shortage of advice on how to achieve organic sales growth through innovation. Prescriptions range from emulating the best practices of innovative companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and 3M to adopting popular concepts such as design thinking, lean startup principles, innovation boot camps, and co-creation with customers. Read More

Gender Differences in Communication and Investor Perceptions of Entrepreneurship Potential

Working Papers

Entrepreneurial start-up ventures are a major contributor to innovation and job creation in the U.S.  One critical task that entrepreneurs face is finding investors who are willing to provide the funding and resources that will allow the business to survive.Read More

Patent Value and Citations: Creative Destruction or Strategic Disruption?

Working Papers

Prior work suggests that more valuable patents are cited more and this view has become standard in the empirical innovation literature. Using an NPE-derived dataset with patent-specific revenues we find that the relationship of citations to value in fact forms an inverted-U, with fewer citations at the high end of value than in the middle.Read More

Leaps in Innovation: The Bolt versus Bannister Effect in Algorithmic Tournaments

Working Papers

This paper explores whether innovation breakthroughs stimulate or impede future progress in individual innovation. On the one hand, one could argue that substantial improvements to the status quo might inspire advances through competition.Read More

Domestic Political Connections and International Expansion: It’s not Only ‘Who You Know’ That Matters

Published Research

Former politicians on the board of directors bring to the firm domestic political connections and political knowledge. Previous research has mainly highlighted the role of contacts, without fully recognizing the role of political knowledge accumulated at home. Read More

Explaining Organic Growth Performance: Why Dynamic Capabilities Need Strategy Guidance

Published Research

Why are some firms consistently able to grow faster than their rivals in the same industry? We employ dynamic capabilities theory to show that organic growth leaders excel because they have innovation prowess. Read More

Investment as an Influencing Strategy

Working Papers

Institutional environments are often considered exogenous in firms’ investment decisions. While the non-market strategy literature has discussed various approaches that firms may adopt to influence their interactions with institutions, such discussion is mostly absent in the analysis of market strategies. Read More

Firm Scope and Spillovers From New Product Innovation: Evidence From Medical Devices

Working Papers

When firms span related product categories, spillovers across categories become central to firm strategy and industrial policy, due to their potential to foreclose competition and affect innovation incentives. Read More

Studying Industry Disruption Using Crowdsourced Tournaments

Funded Research Proposal

We seek to explore how individuals evaluate the uncertainty during the nascent period of industry disruption, and to identify factors that can help improve their forecasting accuracy. To do so, we will draw on a recently developed research methodology of forecasting tournaments.Read More

Trade Secrets and Innovation: Evidence from the “Inevitable Disclosure” Doctrine

Published Research

Does heightened employer‐friendly trade secrecy protection help or hinder innovation? By examining U.S. state‐level legal adoption of a doctrine allowing employers to curtail inventor mobility if the employee would “inevitably disclose” trade secrets, we investigate the impact of a shifting trade secrecy regime on individual‐level patenting outcomes. Read More

The Impact of Patient-Centered Medical Homes on Medication Adherence

Published Research

Accreditation of providers helps resolve the pervasive information asymmetries in health care markets. However, meeting accreditation standards typically involves flexibility in implementation, leading to heterogeneity in performance. Read More