Designing Customer-Centric Organization Structures: Toward the Fluid Marketing Organization

Published Research

Today’s marketing organizations face unprecedented turbulence and complexity. To anticipate and adapt to fast changing customer preferences and environments, executives seek to make their internal organizations nimble and agile by constantly developing, integrating, and reconfiguring new capabilities. Read More

Explaining Organic Growth Performance: Why Dynamic Capabilities Need Strategy Guidance

Published Research

Why are some firms consistently able to grow faster than their rivals in the same industry? We employ dynamic capabilities theory to show that organic growth leaders excel because they have innovation prowess. Read More

Organizational Evolution and Dynamic Capabilities

Published Research

This article examines the importance of plasticity and diversity in organizational adaptation and with respect to dynamic capabilities. It begins by conceptualizing what elements comprise a dynamic capability within an evolving organization using the contrast between templates (genotypes) and realized practices (phenotypes).Read More