Information Provision in the Housing Market

Funded Research Proposal

Improvements in information technology in recent decades has changed our lives and upended industries. One of its major impacts is to make previously inaccessible information accessible, reduce information asymmetries and improve market efficiencies.Read More

Homophily and Consolidation in Intra-Firm Collaboration Networks and their Impact on Innovation Output

Funded Research Proposal

Research in management science has long posited that network structures, specifically the patterns of informal interactions among people, affect information flows and knowledge recombination. Yet, how do different network topologies affect the production of new knowledge and ideas? Read More

Loopholes of Creative Obstruction: The Strategic Gaming of Patent Claims and Families

Funded Research Proposal

This will be a mixed-methods study exploring, for the first time, ways in which firms exploit technicalities in the U.S. patent system with regard to number of claims and continuations. While at first blush this may sound like a technical paper targeting a patent policy audience, it actually will tell us a lot about the revealed strategic positions of hundreds of innovative firms and institutions. Read More

The Economics of Patient-Centered Care

Published Research

The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a widely-implemented model for improving primary care, emphasizing care coordination, information technology, and process improvements. However, its treatment as an undifferentiated intervention obscures meaningful variation in implementation. Read More

Scope versus Speed: Team Diversity, Leader Experience, and Patenting Outcomes for Firms

Published Research

How does the organization of patenting activity affect a firm’s patenting outcomes? We investigate how the composition of patenting teams relates to both the scope of their patent applications and the speed with which their patents are approved. Read More

Stuck in the Middle: Decomposing the Status-Innovation Nexus

Funded Research Proposal

This study explores the link between status and innovation. While extant studies have tended to treat status as uni-dimensional and static, evidence suggests that it may be multifaceted and dynamic. Taking individual inventors as the primary level of analysis, the project decomposes status into different associative (e.g. where the inventor was trained) and achieved dimensions (e.g. her professional standing in the field).Read More

Co-opetition and the Firm’s Information Environment

Working Papers

Some firms in the technology sector choose to cooperate with competitors (“co-opetition”) in Standards Setting Organizations (SSOs). These SSOs create technology standards that facilitate rapid market penetration of new technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Blue-Ray. Read More

Offline Showrooms in Omni-channel Retail: Demand and Operational Benefits

Published Research

Omni-channel environments where customers can shop online and offline at the same retailer are increasingly ubiquitous. Furthermore, the presence of both channels has important implications for customer demand and operational issues such as product returns.Read More

IP Litigation Is Local, But Those Who Litigate Are Global

Published Research

The importance of managing intellectual property (IP) on a global basis has been widely acknowledged by scholars and practitioners alike. However, we still have limited understanding of how multinational enterprises (MNEs) choose where to file for IP protection and where they exercise their IP rights through litigation. Read More

The Store is Dead — Long Live the Store

Published Research

Offline demise and offline renaissance is the paradox of new retail writ large. Swiss multinational financial services company Credit Suisse projects that by the time the numbers are in, more than 8,500 stores in the United States will have closed in 2017.Read More

Experimentation, Learning, and Performance: Evidence from a RCT

Working Papers

Experimentation is the center of a fascinating debate among entrepreneurship practitioners. Inspired by the lean startup, much current practice advocates the intense use of experimentation. Conversely, a large entrepreneurship tradition emphasizes the importance of design and planning. Read More

Networks and Innovation: Accounting for Structural and Institutional Sources of Recombination in Brokerage Triads

Published Research

Research linking interorganizational networks to innovation has focused on spanning structural boundaries as a means of knowledge recombination. Increasingly, firms also partner across institutional boundaries (countries, industries, technologies) in their search for new knowledge.Read More

Inequality Aversion When the Reward is Scarce: The Case of Salary vs. Equity Compensation

Working Papers

Do workers have different equality preferences depending on the type of payoff? In many firms, the distribution of equity compensation is more equal than the distribution of salary. We design an experimental group production game to examine how workers respond to combinations of different distributions of equity and salary.Read More

Standard vs. Partnership-Embedded Licensing: Attention and the Relationship Between Licensing and Product Innovations

Published Research

This paper examines the relationship between the licensing of knowledge and the creation of product innovations. We consider that firms organize licensing activities in different ways and that licensees are heterogeneous with respect to the attention available to apply and transform in-licensed knowledge to create new product innovations. Read More

Value Creation through Novel Resource Configurations in a Digitally Enabled World

Published Research

We propose a conceptual framework for examining the value‐creation potential embedded into novel, digitally powered resource configurations. We suggest that business digitization calls for firms to adopt a system‐based, value‐creation‐centric perspective for designing and organizing their resource configurations. Read More

The Importance of Social Entrepreneurship in National Systems of Innovation — An Introduction

Published Research

This special issue links “National Systems of Innovation” with “Social Entrepreneurship” to showcase how social entrepreneurship enables the diffusion of new technologies to make a social impact and engender “creative destruction” through the value generating activities of economic actors ranging from individuals, micro-enterprises to large organizations. Read More

Alpha Assets: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Through Innovation

Funded Research Proposal

This proposal is to fund a first study as part of a longer-term initiative to better understand the threat of disruption from technological innovation. Disruption as a term has come to be used so frequently that it has lost specific meaning. In the larger project, I aim to bring precision to the term and focus on two specific questions. Read More

Plant Operations and Product Recalls in the Automotive Industry: An Empirical Investigation

Published Research

While there is overwhelming support for the negative consequences of product recalls, empirical evidence of operational drivers of recalls is almost nonexistent. In this study, we identify product variety, plant variety, and capacity utilization as drivers of subsequent manufacturing-related recalls.Read More