Scope versus Speed: Team Diversity, Leader Experience, and Patenting Outcomes for Firms

Published Research

How does the organization of patenting activity affect a firm’s patenting outcomes? We investigate how the composition of patenting teams relates to both the scope of their patent applications and the speed with which their patents are approved. Read More

How Are Established Companies Sourcing External Knowledge? Evidence From The Global Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry

Working Papers

Emerging markets firms in high-technology industries have long been thought of as laggards. We argue that this paradigm needs to be reassessed. Using biotechnology as an example for a radical technology we argue that emerging market, compared to developed markets, are well positioned to pursue such technologies.Read More

How Does Performance Feedback Affect Boundary Spanning in Multinational Corporations? Insights from Technology Scouts

Published Research

As much as prior research has shed light on the boundary-spanning processes of global organizations and their (positive) impact on an MNC’s performance, whether, when and how past performance ultimately shapes an MNC’s boundary-spanning activities remains an open question in management research.Read More

Opportunity, Status, and Similarity: Exploring the Varied Antecedents and Outcomes of Category Spanning Innovation

Published Research

Studies have shown that actors who affiliate with multiple categories generally do so at their own peril. Still, category spanning is routinely observed, although it is less understood. We address this gap by a longitudinal study of category spanning among nanotube technology inventors. Read More

The External Knowledge Sourcing Process in Multinational Corporations

Published Research

We study the processes through which multinational corporations (MNCs) identify and make use of external sources of knowledge. Based on a seven year longitudinal study of one MNC’s overseas scouting unit, we show how a simple one-directional “channelling” process gradually gave way to three higher value-added processes, labelled “translating”, “matchmaking” and “transforming.”Read More