Offline Showrooms in Omni-channel Retail: Demand and Operational Benefits

Published Research

Omni-channel environments where customers can shop online and offline at the same retailer are increasingly ubiquitous. Furthermore, the presence of both channels has important implications for customer demand and operational issues such as product returns.Read More

When Experience Hurts: Proximal vs. Distal Experience and Product Innovation Success​

Working Papers

Most previous research on the learning curve focuses on improvements in manufacturing efficiency; this article instead studies the role of learning in product innovation, a vital component of sustainable competitive advantage in high-tech industries.Read More

Neighborhood Social Capital and Social Learning for Experience Attributes of Products

Published Research

“Social learning” can occur when information is transferred from existing customers to potential customers. It is especially important in cases where the information that is conveyed pertains to experience attributes, i.e., attributes of products that cannot be fully verified prior to the first purchase.Read More