Conventional wisdom says brainstorming works best when people from different departments or groups come together to think of new ideas or solve problems. But research from Senior Fellow Sarah Kaplan shows that diversity is not enough.…Read More
Conventional wisdom says brainstorming works best when people from different departments or groups come together to think of new ideas or solve problems. But research from Senior Fellow Sarah Kaplan shows that diversity is not enough.…Read More
Recent research by Senior Fellow Gary Dushnitsky measures the innovation success of new biotech ventures by tracking their patenting and publishing rates. He and coauthor Elisa Alvarez-Garrido find that the identity of the investor makes a big difference.…Read More
The winner of the 2015-2016 Y-Prize competition is Fermento for their idea to use Penn-developed microfluidics technology to improve the production process of beer.…Read More
The Mack Institute’s Program on Vehicle and Mobility Innovation director John Paul MacDuffie will join a panel about the recent Volkswagen emissions scandal on Thursday, January 21.…Read More
When established companies explore opportunities to innovate, they typically consider strategies that fall into one of two well-known categories: incremental or disruptive. According to Wharton Professor David Robertson, they should be considering a third way: complementary innovation.…Read More
Does intensive internal training of employees lead to higher profits? In knowledge-based industries where the main asset is skilled professionals such as software engineers, the answer is yes, according to Senior Fellow Joydeep Chatterjee. But not all training yields equal benefits.…Read More
Our Fall Conference 2015 stressed the need to trade places with consumers in order to identify opportunities in a landscape where digital technologies have changed all the rules.…Read More
Wharton MBA candidate Justine Lai makes an impassioned case for increasing the emphasis on intrapreneurship for MBA students.…Read More
Politicians love to blame greedy Big Pharma for our country’s rapidly ballooning health care costs. But Senior Fellow Mike Mandel argues that curtailing the cost of medical labor will have the biggest impact on reducing healthcare spending.…Read More
Patent trolls are maligned for impeding innovation, but new research by Penn professor David Abrams suggests that they actually play a more complex and sometimes beneficial role.…Read More
The finalists in this year’s Y-Prize Competition have proposed ideas that would bring drug manufacturing right to the patient’s bedside, accelerate the production process of beer, and take the needle out of vaccine delivery.…Read More
This year, the Mack Institute teamed up with Darden’s Batten Institute to co-host the bi-annual Product Innovation and Technology Management Mini-Conference. The sixth iteration of this one-day event attracted more than 30 scholars to the Wharton School for lectures, discussions, and camaraderie.…Read More
70 million Americans lack access to traditional banking services. Instead, those in a financially precarious position often must resort to predatory alternatives such as payday lenders. The winners of the 2015 Penn Design Challenge, sponsored by the Mack Institute, describe their approach to changing this system. …Read More
Information sessions for the President’s Innovation Prize will run in the Spring 2016 semester between Thursday, January 14 and Tuesday, February 9.…Read More
After years of making incremental changes to transform itself from a personal computer and server player into a company that could offer a wider array of products and services, Dell is punting its piecemeal approach in favor of a system-wide repositioning of its business by acquiring storage behemoth EMC for $67 billion — the largest M&A deal ever between technology firms.…Read More
As the Internet penetrates more and more aspects of day-to-day life, a company’s regulatory strategy has an increasingly significant impact on its innovation outcomes.…Read More
New research indicates that individuals’ investment decisions may outperform those of the group. How can firms make better decisions?…Read More
Wendy Ham’s research asks whether there’s a better way to make predictions. By examining event characteristics and forecasting methods, she argues that it’s possible to create a cheat sheet that tells us which forecasting approach is the best for a given problem.…Read More
Wharton management professor and PVMI director John Paul MacDuffie analyzes the fallout after automotive giant Volkswagen admitted to cheating on EPA admissions tests.…Read More
Wharton MBA student Mariam Malik has long had an interest in mental health care. Through the Mack Institute Student Research Fellowship, she crafted a business plan to help service providers deliver improved care through greater coordination.…Read More