How Do Product Attributes and Reviews Moderate the Impact of Recommender Systems through Purchase Stages?

Published Research

We investigate the impact of several different recommender algorithms (e.g.,’s “Consumers who bought this item also bought”), commonly used in ecommerce and online services, on sales volume and diversity, using field experiment data on movie sales from a top retailer in North America. Read More

Competition, Technology Licensing-in, and Innovation

Published Research

Although the relationship between competition and firm innovation has long been of scholarly interest, prior research has predominantly considered changes in internal research and development (R&D) as a strategic response to competitors’ actions.Read More

Organizing Knowledge Production Teams Within Firms for Innovation

Published Research

How should firms organize their pool of inventive human capital for firm-level innovation? Although access to diverse knowledge may aid knowledge recombination, which can facilitate innovation, prior literature has focused primarily on one way of achieving that: diversity of inventor-held knowledge within a given knowledge production team. Read More

Intellectual Property Rights, Professional Business Services and Earnings Inequality

Working Papers

High skill labor demand is infrequent but firms cannot adjust perfectly due to several adjustment costs. Professional Business Services (PBS) sector help alleviate this problem by allowing high skill labor to move across firms, reducing idiosyncratic part of labor demand risk.Read More

Revisiting the Locus of Experience: A Study on Corporate Development Executives, Organizational Learning and M&A Performance

Working Papers

Understanding how firms learn to make better strategic decisions and achieve superior performance is a question of significant concern to managers and scholars, especially in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&A).Read More

When Silver is Gold: Forecasting the Potential Creativity of Initial Ideas

Published Research

Past research on idea evaluation has focused on how individuals evaluate the creativity of finalized ideas. But idea evaluation is also important early in the creative process, when individuals must forecast the potential creativity of rough initial ideas as they decide which to develop.Read More

For Startups, Adaptability and Mentor Network Diversity can be Pivotal: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment on a MOOC Platform

Published Research

Entrepreneurs leading digital ventures are often advised to be adaptable. However, research on how to pursue adaptable strategies and whether such strategies improve short- or long-term digital venture outcomes is sparse.Read More

Exploring Power and Innovation in Multi-party Alliances

Funded Research Proposal

This research project seeks to explore how differences within the members of a multi-party alliance (MPA) – specifically differences in power – impact innovative outcomes of the alliance using a unique dataset of over 345,000 pages of project documents covering approximately 3000 MPAs.Read More

In the Shadow of the Valley: Private Equity Firms’ Increased Prominence in High-Tech Acquisitions

Funded Research Proposal

Why and how do private equity (PE) firms engage in technology acquisitions, and how do they create and capture value in these transactions? Observational data shows initial evidence that not only are PE firms engaging in an increasing number of technology buyouts, they are also seemingly behaving in distinct ways from both corporate acquirers, as well as PE firms in industries other than high-tech.Read More

Race to E-Commerce: The Role of Firm Owners in Technology Adoption

Funded Research Proposal

This study aims to understand how firm ownership and governance influence the adoption of disruptive technologies in the early stages of the technology cycle. There is a growing recognition that owners have different goals and motivations that in turn, shape the strategic direction of the firms they control.Read More

Do Institutional Reforms Perpetuate or Mitigate the Matthew Effect? Intellectual Property Rights and Access to International Alliances

Published Research

We explore how intellectual property rights (IPR), a type of formal institution, affect firms’ access to global alliance networks and their positioning within those networks. We employed a difference-in-difference design to assess the impact of IPR reforms across thirteen countries.Read More

Saying Hello and Waving Goodbye: Intra-Organizational Tie Formation in The Face of Collaborator Departure

Working Papers

Indirect ties play an important role in the formation of new collaborative relationships. Yet we know little about how the mobility of such indirect ties changes the role that they play. In this paper, I explore how the organizational exit of common collaborators influences tie formation between previously unconnected workers. Read More