Innovation and Product Risk: Firm Strategy and Public Welfare

Funded Research Proposal

Innovative new products come with hope, but also risk that they will not work as well as hoped. Thus testing and monitoring are key strategic decisions of an innovative firm in any market, and in some markets these strategic decisions will be intertwined with government regulatory policy.Read More

Conflict, Cooperation, and Consensus in Standards-Setting

Funded Research Proposal

We study how firms simultaneously engage in competition and cooperation in technology standard-setting multipartner alliances. Departing from prior research that has typically explored competition in isolation from cooperation, we bridge these two literatures by examining firm communication and community consensus in these venues.Read More

The Effect of a Tighter Link to Customers on Product Innovation Strategy

Funded Research Proposal

One of the important consequences of recent technological advances has been that firms and customers are in much closer contact with each other. Using the web and mobile technologies, customers have the ability to send more frequently and more accurately their needs to firms. In this project, we use a simulation approach to understand some of the consequences of these developments.Read More

Renting Capabilities from Consultants in Post-Acquisition Integration

Funded Research Proposal

This research investigates capability development at the business unit level of analysis. To do so, we consider business units that have been serially bought and sold, or “repeatedly divested” units.Read More

Connecting Internal and External Networks of Cooperation: The North Star Alliance’s Roadside Wellness Centers Across Africa

Funded Research Proposal

This research project examines how organizations can develop innovative solutions to large-scale socio-economic problems in emerging markets through multi-stakeholder partnerships. The objective is to determine how these partnerships are built, what the optimal configuration of partners is, and how the partnerships should be coordinated.Read More

A randomized control trial in oral health on varying financial incentives and frequency of performance feedback for dental self-care

Funded Research Proposal

The burden of oral disease in the U.S. is high, and in need of novel approaches to improving preventive oral health behaviors. Almost half of U.S. adults have periodontal disease, while 92% of adults and 50% of children experience dental caries. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) put new emphasis on financial incentives in which financial rewards for patients and providers are linked to health decisions and outcomes.Read More

Managing Innovation in Hospitals: The Rise of the Chief Innovation Officer

Funded Research Proposal

Hospitals are increasingly facing market and regulatory pressures and the need to innovate is becoming ever more salient. One response has been the creation of the role of Chief Innovation Officer, or CIO.Read More

Divestiture Capability and Firm Performance

Published Research

In order to sustainably innovate and grow, firms must, at times, shrink. This research is premised on the concept that the success of a firm’s innovation strategy relies not just on its ability to “grow smart,” but equally on its ability to “shrink smart.”Read More