Estimating Value Creation from Revealed Preferences: Application to Value-Based Strategy

Published Research

We develop and apply a new set of empirical tools consistent with the tenets of value-based business strategies, leveraging the principle that “no good deal comes undone” and the methods of revealed preferences to empirically estimate drivers of value creation.Read More

Organizational Decision-Making and Information: Angel Investments by Venture Capital Partners

Working Papers

We study information aggregation in organizational decision-making for the financing of entrepreneurial ventures. We introduce a formal model of voting where agents face costly tacit information to improve their decision quality.Read More

Social Is the New Financial: How Startup Social Media Activity Influences Funding Outcomes

Working Papers

In this project, we explore the impact of startup firms’ social media activities on their entrepreneurial financing performance. Social media can mitigate information problems in entrepreneurial financing in two ways.Read More

Teams for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Funded Research Proposal

Grand Innovation Prizes are contests where a prize is given for the first team to achieve a radical technical goal–such as reaching space with a commercial passenger rocket. The phenomenon of GIPs have become an important topic for study in recent years.Read More

How Are Established Companies Sourcing External Knowledge? Evidence From The Global Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry

Working Papers

Emerging markets firms in high-technology industries have long been thought of as laggards. We argue that this paradigm needs to be reassessed. Using biotechnology as an example for a radical technology we argue that emerging market, compared to developed markets, are well positioned to pursue such technologies.Read More

A Typology of R&D Processes Based on Market Excludability and Information Appropriability 

Working Papers

We explore the relationship between competition among downstream commercializing firms (e.g. incumbent pharmaceutical firms) and upstream innovative firms (e.g. startup biotechnology firms). We find that in an alliance regime, common in high technology industries, competition among the commercializing firms can reduce the productivity of the innovators, resulting in a net loss of societal welfare (e.g. less drugs invented and brought to market). Read More

Efficient Bargaining Through a Broker

Working Papers

This paper considers the possibility of efficient trade in bilateral bargaining through an informed broker. I propose a cross-subsidization mechanism that implements efficient trade in dominant strategies. I provide a condition on the broker’s information such that efficient trade can be achieved.Read More

How Does Performance Feedback Affect Boundary Spanning in Multinational Corporations? Insights from Technology Scouts

Published Research

As much as prior research has shed light on the boundary-spanning processes of global organizations and their (positive) impact on an MNC’s performance, whether, when and how past performance ultimately shapes an MNC’s boundary-spanning activities remains an open question in management research.Read More

Idea Generation and the Role of Feedback: Evidence from Field Experiments with Innovation Tournaments

Published Research

In many innovation settings, ideas are generated over time and managers face a decision about if and how to provide in-process feedback to the idea generators about the quality of submissions. In this article, we use design contests allowing repeated entry to examine the effect of in-process feedback on idea generation.Read More

Opportunity, Status, and Similarity: Exploring the Varied Antecedents and Outcomes of Category Spanning Innovation

Published Research

Studies have shown that actors who affiliate with multiple categories generally do so at their own peril. Still, category spanning is routinely observed, although it is less understood. We address this gap by a longitudinal study of category spanning among nanotube technology inventors. Read More

Innovation Is the New Competition: Product Portfolio Choices with Product Life Cycles

Working Papers

The product life cycle, or time path of sales, of many high-tech goods and services is bell-shaped. I show that product life cycles endogenously arise in markets with rapid technological innovations, are heterogeneous across products, and are affected by the level of market competition.Read More

Corporate Spin-Offs and Capital Allocation Decisions

Published Research

This paper investigates how spin-offs affect capital allocation decisions in diversified firms. The sensitivity of capital expenditures to investment opportunities, representing the efficiency of capital allocation decisions, improves when firms undertake spin-offs.Read More

When Crowdfunding Crowds Out the Competition

Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter have been popular in the U.S. for several years, allowing everyday consumers to fund entrepreneurial ventures in return for the finished product. While such “reward-based” crowdfunding can open many doors for entrepreneurs, could it also close others?Read More

Human Capital Investments, Shared Knowledge, and Performance: A study in the Off-shored IT Services Industry

Working Papers

This paper investigates under what conditions knowledge available to team members leads to positive performance outcomes. We surmise that mutual knowledge that enables the team members to coordinate their work efforts is beneficial for team performance up to a limit after which excess mutual knowledge causes a decline in performance.Read More