Be an Ally: The Role of Identity in Inspiring Collective Action

Funded Research Proposal

People are frequently asked to engage in collective action—voting, protesting, signing petitions, donating—to uplift members of traditionally marginalized groups and encourage social change. Prior research suggests that minority group members who advocate for collective action are penalized for doing so, while majority group members are not. In this work, I shift focus from perceptions of people who take collective action to how effectively people are able to persuade others to engage in collective action.Read More

The Paradox of Destigmatization

Funded Research Proposal

This project examines destigmatization, or “the process by which low-status groups gain recognition and worth.” Destigmatization of identity is a central goal of egalitarian social movements. Yet destigmatization represents a paradox because while destigmatization benefits identity groups as a whole and creates opportunities for many individual members, organizations perceived as belonging that identity group may suffer.Read More

A Machine Learning Approach To Likeable, and Memorable Brand Slogans

Funded Research Proposal

We propose to develop and validate a model that uses automatically extracted, high-dimensional sentence embeddings to predict the likeability and memorability of new and existing slogans.Read More

Understanding the Network of Websites: How Can We Improve Digital Privacy?

Funded Research Proposal

The first study aims to investigate the online data network, in which personal information flows between websites, in order to analyze which privacy policy interventions would be most effective. The second study focuses on individual household’s internet browsing behavior and analyzes vulnerability of different socioeconomic groups to privacy violating data collection activities.Read More

Using Blockchain to Insure Against Climate Risk

Funded Research Proposal

Climate change will increase extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and storms. In addition to tragic direct consequences that include deaths and physical damage to homes and businesses, climate change threatens to suppress business investments and slow economic growth by increasing the risk associated with capital investment.Read More

The Positive Effects of Sharing Innovation Successes and Failures

Funded Research Proposal

We postulate that interventions to increase sharing of failures can boost learning, increase the likelihood of creating a learning culture, and increase trust and reciprocal information sharing among teams and consumers. Further we examine the positive effects of sharing failures on interpersonal and in-group/out-group interaction at different stages of relationship (e.g., initial formation and stable relationship) and the effects on repeated interaction (e.g., a future relationship).Read More

How Do Job Candidates’ Salary Expectations Affect Firms’ Hiring Evaluations?

Funded Research Proposal

Firms often ask workers to indicate their salary expectations when they are applying for jobs. But, we currently have a limited understanding on how these salary expectations affect firms’ evaluation of the candidate: do firms evaluate candidates with low or high salary expectations more favorably? The goal of this research is to enrich our understanding of the labor market by elucidating the relationship between workers’ salary expectations and hiring evaluations.Read More

Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care

Funded Research Proposal

We propose to study the impact of integrating behavioral health (BH) care into primary care practices (e.g., co-location of behavioral health specialists and implementation of patient care teams) on access to behavioral and mental health (MH) services, treatment, appropriate patient evaluation, avoidable hospitalizations, and quality.Read More

Mergers and Innovation: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry

Funded Research Proposal

The goal for this paper is to detangle whether mergers and acquisitions occurring in the biopharmaceutical industry yield their intended effects. More specifically, how does increasing M&A activity affect different measures of innovation in the pharmaceutical industryRead More

Unmasking Sex-Trafficking Supply Chains With Deep Web Data

Funded Research Proposal

High resource constraints and the covert nature of sex trafficking provide significant barriers to developing data-driven innovations that inform law enforcement investigations and trials. We leverage massive deep web data (collected globally from leading adult services websites) in tandem with a novel machine learning framework to unmask sex-trafficking recruitment-to-sales pathways.Read More

Insider vs. Outsider Judgments of Diversity in Organizations

Funded Research Proposal

We propose that an important hurdle preventing organizations from diversifying is their ability to accurately diagnose a lack of diversity in their ranks in the first place. Specifically, we theorize that people who belong to or create groups within organizations (organizational “insiders”) perceive those groups to be more diverse than outside observers (organizational “outsiders”).Read More

Economies of Scope in Prescription Drug Development

Funded Research Proposal

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most innovative industries in the US. An important driver of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry is research & development (R & D). How do the portfolios of drugs being developed by pharmaceuticals affect the success rates of innovation? In this project, we will quantify the extent of economies of scope in prescription drug development.Read More

How Do Various Ways of Collecting Feedback Affect Consumers’ Evaluations?

Funded Research Proposal

Companies use a variety of methods to collect consumer feedback: some ask for an overall rating only, while others also ask for ratings of specific attributes (e.g., cleanliness), and some include several pages of questions. Across two projects, we find that the way companies collect feedback affects consumer’s evaluations.Read More

The Welfare Value of Online Review Aggregators: Internet, Search Frictions and the Restaurant Industry in France

Funded Research Proposal

The main aim of this project is to understand how online aggregators such as TripAdvisor or Yelp have impacted competition in the restaurant market, and whether and how much they have benefited consumers.Read More

Resilience at the Base of the Pyramid: Technology Access and Entrepreneurial Strategy in Indian Micro-Ventures

Funded Research Proposal

Micro-ventures in emerging economies are often highly vulnerable to shocks. They neither have the slack resources nor a supporting organization structure to buffer them from disruptions. Academic enquiry into the response and resilience of such enterprises in emerging economies is fairly limited. In this paper, we examine how new digital technologies affect the learning and adaptation process of these ventures.Read More

Pricing in Service Platforms: Who Should Set the Prices?

Working Papers

Tolga Dizdarer, PhD Candidate, The Wharton School, Gerry Tsoukalas, Operations, Information & Decisions, The Wharton School, and Gérard Cachon, Operations, Information & Decisions, The Wharton School Abstract: Service platforms like Uber and AirBnb create markets that connect customers with service providers. Platforms provide the medium of interaction and receive commissions fromRead More

Privately Owned Battery Storage: Re-Shaping the Utility Business Case

Working Papers

How can rooftop solar owners capture economic value from investing in battery technologies? Storage adds at least three strategic options for homeowners that previously could only directly consume solar generation and sell any excess instantaneously, thus they traditionally relied on feed-in tariffs or other subsidies.Read More