Capability-Enhancing Foreign Investments, and Evolution of Corporate Scope In Software Services Offshore Outsourcing: Market Reactions and Implications for Competitive Advantage

Working Papers

How does the stock market react to competitive actions by firms and their rivals? In this study we empirically explore capability-seeking investments by firms from different strategic groups within an industry and examine their impact on rival firms in the competitive context of global software services.Read More

Consumer Cryptocurrency Confidence Index (CCCI or C3i)

Funded Research Proposal

The Consumer Cryptoconfidence Index offers the first ongoing, consumer-centered data source specifically intended to capture sentiment related to this market exchange tool. Offering both a novel “snapshot” understanding of the typical consumer’s perception of and interaction with cryptocurrency as well as data that may be fruitfully connected to other marketplace changes, the C3i index will allow us to build our knowledge as the cryptocurrency market evolves. By developing this understanding, we hope to support decision-making among consumers, regulators, investors, and entrepreneurs, while also laying the groundwork for ongoing consumer-centered research in this domain.Read More

When Should the Off-grid Sun Shine at Night? Optimum Renewable Generation and Energy Storage Investments

Working Papers

Globally, 1.5 billion people live off the grid, their only access to electricity often limited to operationally-expensive fossil fuel generators. Solar power has risen as a sustainable and less expensive option, but its generation is variable during the day and non-existent at night.Read More

Commuting and Innovation: Are Closer Inventors More Productive?

Published Research

Commuting is costly for employees, but is it costly for employers in terms of lost productivity? We study the causal effects of commuting distance on inventor productivity. Specifically, we estimate how inventor productivity changes when their employer relocates.Read More

Borrow and Buy: Complementarity and Substitutability of Acquirer’s Alliances and Technology Acquisitions

Working Papers

I aim to contribute to corporate strategy and technology and innovation management literatures by refining the way we think about how firms’ externally accessible resources and capabilities influence those firms’ heterogeneous boundary choices and their resulting outcomes. Read More

What is the Importance of Pivoting for Firm Growth?

Funded Research Proposal

Does pivoting matter? How does it affect investment in innovation and firm performance? My goal is to analyze the relevance of pivoting for the development of a small firm into a mature one and to provide a better understanding of what constitutes a small firm.Read More

Firm Responsiveness to Location Subsidies: Regression Discontinuity Estimates from a Tax Credit Formula

Working Papers

In 2011, California Governor Jerry Brown recognized several of the state’s existing firm incentive policies aimed at catalyzing innovative activity in the state, to be ineffectual, citing poor incentive design.Read More

Family Firms and the Stock Market Performance of Acquisitions and Divestitures

Published Research

In this project, I seek to compare how effectively family firms undertake and implement acquisitions and divestitures relative to their non-family counterparts. While family firms are less likely than non-family firms to undertake divestitures, the stock market returns earned by the family firms that undertake these deals exceed those of non-family firms.Read More

Organizational Decision-Making and Information: Angel Investments by Venture Capital Partners

Working Papers

We study information aggregation in organizational decision-making for the financing of entrepreneurial ventures. We introduce a formal model of voting where agents face costly tacit information to improve their decision quality.Read More