Dickson Chu, Global Head of Portfolio Management at BBVA, discusses open innovation in fintech and identifies where he thinks the most exciting fintech ecosystems are developing worldwide.…Read More
Dickson Chu, Global Head of Portfolio Management at BBVA, discusses open innovation in fintech and identifies where he thinks the most exciting fintech ecosystems are developing worldwide.…Read More
Mack Institute Senior Fellow Sarah Kaplan, author of The 360° Corporation, discusses how businesses can approach trade-offs as sources of innovation, creativity, and even long-term profitability.…Read More
Max Goldberg, co-owner of Nashville-based Strategic Hospitality, speaks about capturing the dynamic spirit of his hometown…Read More
Mehrdad Baghai, co-founder of High Resolves, shares how he combines his expertise on corporate strategy with his passion for social impact, particularly in education.…Read More
Chris McCann of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. describes how the company went from a single Manhattan flower shop to an e-commerce pioneer by embracing new technologies.…Read More
Seth Berger ( W’89, WG’93), Managing Director of Sixers Innovation Lab, discusses how the accelerator supports Philadelphia entrepreneurs by providing office space, health care, food, and even housing.…Read More
John Roese, CTO of Dell EMC, explains that advances in AI will depend on earning human users’ trust in machine learning.…Read More
Miranda Wang, Co-founder and CEO of BioCellection, describes her venture’s new commercial approach to the problem of plastics.…Read More
Matt Hicks, senior vice president of engineering at Red Hat, talks about the acquisition deal, the worldwide impact of free software, and more.…Read More
The CEO and co-founder of Bionic and author of “New to Big” and “The Startup Playbook” explained his model for enterprise growth.…Read More
Safi Bahcall, author of the new book “Loonshots,” explains how structural factors like incentives around risk-taking are the key to fostering a culture of innovation throughout a firm.…Read More
Wharton professor Kartik Hosanagar, author of “A Human’s Guide to Machine Intelligence,” walks through the evolution of artificial intelligence and points to the developments that lie ahead.…Read More
Tigo Guatemala’s Roberto Rodriguez and Eric Seaman discuss how faster internet connectivity can enhance opportunities for learning and better health care.…Read More
Anand Parikh, general counsel and head of business development at Virta Health, talks about treating diabetes with virtual real-time assessment.…Read More
Steve Orrin, federal CTO at Intel Corporation, says companies can’t forget people and adoptability when it comes to using technology.…Read More
Tanvi Kapur, Ishir Seth, and WenTao Zhang discuss their plan to prevent catheter-associated infections in hospital patients.…Read More
Tiffany Pham, founder and CEO of Mogul, and author of “You Are a Mogul,” talks about how to break away from a linear career path and follow your passion.…Read More
Dr. Robert Graboyes of George Mason University explains how future innovations in medicine will lower costs by empowering machines, nurses, and even patients to perform functions that only doctors can do today.…Read More
Geralyn Breig (W’84), CEO of AnytownUSA.com, describes the processes her company has developed to connect online shoppers with verifiably American-made goods.…Read More
Tanya Berman, Vice President at MARS, discusses the importance of keeping existing products strong and relevant while innovating new offerings.…Read More