The Impact of Funding Sources on the Rate and Direction of Academic Biomedical Innovation

Funded Research Proposal

Given the large and growing role of academic entrepreneurs and inventors via patents, start-up development, and university-industry relationships, understanding how funding sources may impact academic scientists’ incentives is a crucial area for innovation research, particularly in the biomedical sciences. Read More

Economic Nationalism, Productivity and Innovation: Evidence from a Developing Country

Funded Research Proposal

Economic nationalism is an ideology which favors policies that emphasize domestic control of the economy. Previous work has documented that firm innovation/investment and firm productivity are important for economic growth. Hence, understanding how barriers to firm innovation/investment and restrictions on firm productivity is crucial to the study of development. Read More

Information Provision in the Housing Market

Funded Research Proposal

Improvements in information technology in recent decades has changed our lives and upended industries. One of its major impacts is to make previously inaccessible information accessible, reduce information asymmetries and improve market efficiencies.Read More

Homophily and Consolidation in Intra-Firm Collaboration Networks and their Impact on Innovation Output

Funded Research Proposal

Research in management science has long posited that network structures, specifically the patterns of informal interactions among people, affect information flows and knowledge recombination. Yet, how do different network topologies affect the production of new knowledge and ideas? Read More

The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in Driving Pharmaceutical Prices and Utilization

Funded Research Proposal

The business model of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) has evolved dramatically over the last few decades from basic insurance claims processors to becoming one of the key drivers of pharmaceutical pricing and utilization in the U.S. PBMs are the “middlemen” between insurers and drug manufacturers.Read More

Loopholes of Creative Obstruction: The Strategic Gaming of Patent Claims and Families

Funded Research Proposal

This will be a mixed-methods study exploring, for the first time, ways in which firms exploit technicalities in the U.S. patent system with regard to number of claims and continuations. While at first blush this may sound like a technical paper targeting a patent policy audience, it actually will tell us a lot about the revealed strategic positions of hundreds of innovative firms and institutions. Read More

Stuck in the Middle: Decomposing the Status-Innovation Nexus

Funded Research Proposal

This study explores the link between status and innovation. While extant studies have tended to treat status as uni-dimensional and static, evidence suggests that it may be multifaceted and dynamic. Taking individual inventors as the primary level of analysis, the project decomposes status into different associative (e.g. where the inventor was trained) and achieved dimensions (e.g. her professional standing in the field).Read More

Commercializing University Technology

Funded Research Proposal

University-based research is an important generator of fundamental scientific knowledge in society, and may also be the basis for valuable commercial activity. We aim to update and extend our knowledge of the processes of translating academic discoveries and inventions by studying the administrative data from Penn Center for Innovation (PCI). Read More

Confrontation or Collaboration: The Role of Social Movements in Firm-Level Innovation

Funded Research Proposal

The past decade has witnessed an explosion in research at the intersection of markets and social movements, with an increasing acknowledgment of social movements as key drivers of change in organizations and markets. Social movements create new products and markets, change practices in existing organizations, and can have profound impacts on the commercialization of innovation. Read More

Alpha Assets: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Through Innovation

Funded Research Proposal

This proposal is to fund a first study as part of a longer-term initiative to better understand the threat of disruption from technological innovation. Disruption as a term has come to be used so frequently that it has lost specific meaning. In the larger project, I aim to bring precision to the term and focus on two specific questions. Read More

Bilateral Rating Systems in Online Marketplaces: Design and Impact

Funded Research Proposal

In recent years, digital innovations have fundamentally changed how many services and resources are put together and deployed. These include marketplaces like Uber and Airbnb that help match decentralized supply with demand. Read More

From Invention to Innovation: A Multi-Study Investigation of Firm Strategy and Outcomes in Clinical Trials

Funded Research Proposal

The translation of invention to innovation is a topic that has received significant research attention in recent times. Scholars have recognized that our understanding of the factors that shape whether and when innovative technologies arise and transform industries cannot be complete without comprehending how scientific or technological discovery evolves into commercial adoption. Read More

Teams for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Funded Research Proposal

Grand Innovation Prizes are contests where a prize is given for the first team to achieve a radical technical goal–such as reaching space with a commercial passenger rocket. The phenomenon of GIPs have become an important topic for study in recent years.Read More