M&A, Competition, and Innovation in Medical Technology

Funded Research Proposal

Innovation in medical technology has played a large role in the growth in welfare benefits and monetary costs due to health care over the last half century. Like many industries that rely on innovation, medical technology has an active market for corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Read More

Digital Redlining and the Distributional Effects of AI-enabled Promotional Targeting

Funded Research Proposal

In recent years, firms have started to incorporate new techniques from artificial intelligence into their decision making processes. However, these techniques come with a novel set of reputational and legal risks relating to algorithmic bias and digital discrimination. Read More

Leveraging Data to More Efficiently Predict the Efficacy of Medical Treatments in New Spaces

Funded Research Proposal

This proposal requests research funding for the development of two papers that propose novel methods for leveraging large amounts of imprecise information along with small amounts of specific information to improve the efficacy of medical treatment. Read More

Living from Paycheck to Paycheck: The Implications of Paycheck Dispersion for Gig Economy Workers

Funded Research Proposal

Despite the prevalence of paycheck dispersion, defined as fluctuations in the amount of pay they receive in return for their labor from paycheck to paycheck, in contemporary employment relationships, we know relatively little about its consequences for organizations.Read More