This paper investigates the cor-porate parenting advantage, the extent to which corporate parents improve the performance of theirsubsidiaries. …Read More
This paper investigates the cor-porate parenting advantage, the extent to which corporate parents improve the performance of theirsubsidiaries. …Read More
Skilled immigration restrictions may have secondary consequences that have been largely overlooked in the immigration debate: multinational firms faced with visa constraints have an offshoring option, namely, hiring the labor they need at their foreign affiliates.…Read More
Prior research has argued and shown that firms with centralized R&D produce broader innovations relative to decentralized firms, but the organizational mechanisms underlying this relationship are underexplored. This gap limits our understanding of whether and how formal R&D structure can be used as a lever to influence research outcomes.…Read More
Emerging technologies are an important driver of economic growth. However, the process of their emergence may not only be characterized by technological progress but also by setbacks. We offer a perspective on technology emergence that explicitly incorporates setbacks into the technology’s evolution and explains how industry participants may react to setbacks in emerging technologies.…Read More
Institutional environments are often considered exogenous in firms’ investment decisions. While the non-market strategy literature has discussed various approaches that firms may adopt to influence their interactions with institutions, such discussion is mostly absent in the analysis of market strategies. …Read More
The importance of managing intellectual property (IP) on a global basis has been widely acknowledged by scholars and practitioners alike. However, we still have limited understanding of how multinational enterprises (MNEs) choose where to file for IP protection and where they exercise their IP rights through litigation. …Read More
I examine how investing in innovation affects CEO termination. Theory argues that firms investing in innovation will reduce their propensity to terminate their CEOs to encourage risk taking and long-term thinking.…Read More
With significant incumbent benefits and strict safety regulations, the aviation industry can sometimes present its engineers with a limited scope for innovation. Dr. Brian Tillotson of Boeing explains how the company continues to push boundaries despite various obstacles.…Read More
We develop and test a rigorous theoretical account of firm global sourcing decisions, distinguishing the antecedents of offshore integration from those of offshore outsourcing. Although traditional theories of global sourcing focus on lowering costs, we argue that as high-performing firms seek to develop new capabilities by tapping into foreign knowledge, they will increasingly turn to offshore integration to reap colocation benefits and overcome expropriation challenges.…Read More
The emergence of radical technologies presents a significant challenge to incumbent firms. We study firms’ management of radical technological change by separating their actions into upstream research (“R” of R&D) and downstream development (“D” of R&D).…Read More
We combine the streams of literature on outsourcing and offshoring to investigate (1) whether choosing an R&D offshore outsourcing strategy by technological firms is advisable, and (2) where these firms are more likely to allocate these R&D services outsourcing agreements offshore, namely, in developed or developing economies.…Read More