I quantify the impact of trade secret protection on labor outsourcing, and consequently, on aggregate productivity.…Read More
I quantify the impact of trade secret protection on labor outsourcing, and consequently, on aggregate productivity.…Read More
As outsourcing expands in scope to increasingly higher-end tasks, the tension between value creation and appropriation in such inter-firm relationships raises important questions regarding the extent to which a firm should outsource activities in the value-chain and engage with its suppliers.…Read More
Saikat Chaudhuri and Harbir Singh discuss why companies need to cultivate their own innovation ecosystem in this interview on Wharton’s Business Radio.…Read More
In knowledge-based industries, continuous human-capital investments are essential for firms to enhance capabilities and sustain competitive advantage. However, such investments present a dilemma for firms, because human resources are mobile.…Read More
We develop and test a rigorous theoretical account of firm global sourcing decisions, distinguishing the antecedents of offshore integration from those of offshore outsourcing. Although traditional theories of global sourcing focus on lowering costs, we argue that as high-performing firms seek to develop new capabilities by tapping into foreign knowledge, they will increasingly turn to offshore integration to reap colocation benefits and overcome expropriation challenges.…Read More
With outsourcing growing and core capabilities contracting, is hierarchy becoming a thing of the past? Faculty from the Mack Institute talk corporate hierarchies today versus in the past.…Read More
We combine the streams of literature on outsourcing and offshoring to investigate (1) whether choosing an R&D offshore outsourcing strategy by technological firms is advisable, and (2) where these firms are more likely to allocate these R&D services outsourcing agreements offshore, namely, in developed or developing economies.…Read More