Wharton emeritus professor Sid Winter discusses how innovative activity affects industry evolution, as described in his new book “Innovation and the Evolution of Industries.”…Read More
Wharton emeritus professor Sid Winter discusses how innovative activity affects industry evolution, as described in his new book “Innovation and the Evolution of Industries.”…Read More
The Mack Institute recently hosted the 24th Consortium on Competitiveness and Cooperation (CCC), co-sponsored by the Management Department of the Wharton School. This annual event enables later-stage strategic management PhD students to share their research with leading scholars in the field.…Read More
The disruptive impacts of technological innovation on established industrial structures has been one of the distinguishing features of modern capitalism. In this book, four leading figures in the field of Schumpeterian and evolutionary economic theory draw on decades of research to offer a new, ‘history-friendly’ perspective on the process of creative destruction.…Read More
It is a familiar observation that entrepreneurship is not easily accommodated within the framework of neoclassical economic theory. Drawing inspiration from an ancient critique of neoclassicism by Veblen (Q J Econ 12(4):373–397, 1898), this paper attributes the difficulty to the tension between normative accounts of decision making (as in mainstream theory) and ideas of causation that are standard in the sciences.…Read More
The Mack Institute is proud to announce that our core team member and Wharton professor emeritus Sidney G. Winter is the 2015 recipient of the Global Award for Entrepreneurial Research.…Read More
While much is understood about the general pattern of industry dynamics, a critical element underlying these dynamics, the rate of the expansion of individual firms, has been largely overlooked. We argue that the rate at which firms can reliably increase their scale of operations is a critical factor in understanding the structure of industries.…Read More
This essay contemplates the possible futures of evolutionary economics in terms of two contrasting images. In the first, the primary research emphasis of the future will continue to be on the topics that have interested evolutionary economists in the past, such as technological change, business behavior, and the role of institutions.…Read More
This comment is an in-depth exploration of the neoclassical commitment to the idea that economic actors are appropriately modeled as optimizers—of profit, utility, or whatever.…Read More
The proponents of the “microfoundations project” have advanced a number of criticisms of theories of organizational routines and capabilities. While the criticisms derive in part from philosophical or methodological premises that are open to serious question, and tend to ignore the empirical research on the subject, there remains a valid core concern about the foundational characterization of human nature.…Read More
The Knowledge and Innovation Group interviewed Mack Center Core Team member Sidney Winter. In the interview professor Sidney Winter discusses the role of productive knowledge, characteristics of routines, organizational change and replication of knowledge. This interview is the first in the Knowledge Foundations series held by the Knowledge & Innovation…Read More
This paper aims to further the alignment among different theoretical approaches and future scholarship on the complex themes related to the micro-foundational processes characterizing the emergence and development of organizational routines and capabilities. It has been constructed with a typical Hegelian structure represented by a thesis, an antithesis and an attempt of a synthesis, each presented by different scholars.…Read More
In a statement that is relatively famous, considering its position at the back of an old book, Alfred Marshall remarked on the ‘the manifold influences of the element of time’. He noted the obstacles those influences pose to mathematical analysis (or, he said, any analysis) of a complex, ‘real life’ problem – and the tendencies to over-simplification that often result.…Read More
This paper shows how idiosyncratic resources can drive sustained profitability and persistent heterogeneity under competitive conditions. Generic inputs purchased in the market become idiosyncratic resources as the result of firms’ investments in customization.…Read More
This paper examines conceptual issues and reviews empirical results bearing on the relationship between research approaches emphasizing organizational capabilities and those based in transaction cost economics (TCE)—or in organizational economics more generally.…Read More
This article comments on the behavioral theory of strategy advanced in Gavetti. His proposal offers valuable insights into the cognitive aspects of strategy when leaders are trying for big wins. It provides less guidance for understanding the actual achievement of success, partly because it underestimates the role of serendipity and of contextual factors illuminated by prior strategy research.…Read More
The 11th Annual Wharton Technology Conference was held on April 22-23, 2011. A special feature of this year’s conference was a panel discussion on technological change and industry evolution – with Sid Winter, Phil Anderson, and Rebecca Henderson. Anita McGahan, Lori Rosenkopf, Jackson Nickerson, Dan Levinthal, and Michael Lenox served as discussants. Darwin and…Read More
The recognition that better use of existing knowledge can enhance performance has spawned substantial interest in the replication of productive knowledge within organizations. An enduring belief is that when expanding by replication, organizations can and should strive to adapt to fit the salient characteristics of new environments.…Read More