Transition services agreements (TSAs) are an important tool that companies use to manage the process of separating business units from their former corporate parents in spinoff transactions. …Read More
Transition services agreements (TSAs) are an important tool that companies use to manage the process of separating business units from their former corporate parents in spinoff transactions. …Read More
Few studies have examined the impact of divestitures on the innovation performance of firms. In particular, little attention has been paid into how the divestiture of firms’ non-core businesses could influence the innovation outcomes of their core businesses. …Read More
This project considers whether CEOs and other top managers whose professional backgrounds are in private equity undertake different and/or more successful acquisitions and divestitures than CEOs and other top managers who do not have professional backgrounds in private equity.…Read More
In this project, I seek to compare how effectively family firms undertake and implement acquisitions and divestitures relative to their non-family counterparts. While family firms are less likely than non-family firms to undertake divestitures, the stock market returns earned by the family firms that undertake these deals exceed those of non-family firms.…Read More
This study analyzes how the divestitures that are impelled by activist investors in their campaigns against public corporations affect shareholder value. …Read More
This paper investigates how spin-offs affect capital allocation decisions in diversified firms. The sensitivity of capital expenditures to investment opportunities, representing the efficiency of capital allocation decisions, improves when firms undertake spin-offs.…Read More
This research investigates capability development at the business unit level of analysis. To do so, we consider business units that have been serially bought and sold, or “repeatedly divested” units.…Read More
In order to sustainably innovate and grow, firms must, at times, shrink. This research is premised on the concept that the success of a firm’s innovation strategy relies not just on its ability to “grow smart,” but equally on its ability to “shrink smart.”…Read More
Extant literature on divestment has repeatedly found that firms are likely to divest their poorly performing operations. In this paper, I consider how product market relatedness and geographic market differences in growth, policy stability, and exchange rate volatility can moderate the negative relationship between performance and divestment.…Read More
In this paper, I examine how lower-cost production and new market opportunities influence the divestment decisions of firms. I argue that lower-cost production and new market opportunities in foreign markets can provide a better use of existing firm resources and posit that these opportunities are likely to influence firm divestment of home-country operations.…Read More