Strategies and actions from executives around the world for creating and maintaining workplaces where employees innovate and thrive; leading during crises; and elevating corporate social responsibility.…Read More
Strategies and actions from executives around the world for creating and maintaining workplaces where employees innovate and thrive; leading during crises; and elevating corporate social responsibility.…Read More
Randomized controlled trials—often called A/B tests in industrial settings—are an increasingly important element in the management many organizations. Such experiments are meant to bring the benefits of scientific rigor and statistical measurement to the domain of managerial decision making. …Read More
Winc co-founders Brian Smith and Geoff McFarlane shared how they’re using data to anticipate customer desires and get ahead of the next big trend in wine.…Read More
The Mack Institute’s Spring Conference 2019 examined how companies are using new technologies and a “connected strategy” to improve the customer experience.…Read More
Participating in the Collaborative Innovation Program gave John Thiel the “helpful applied insight that I had been seeking.”…Read More
Mack Institute Co-directors Nicolaj Siggelkow and Christian Terwiesch offer a path to strengthening long-term buyer loyalty, from customer engagement to cost-effective delivery.…Read More
More than ever before, companies have at their disposal immense streams of customer data. Professor Kartik Hosanagar highlights how companies can make use of this data to attract customers online.…Read More
One of the important consequences of recent technological advances has been that firms and customers are in much closer contact with each other. Using the web and mobile technologies, customers have the ability to send more frequently and more accurately their needs to firms. In this project, we use a simulation approach to understand some of the consequences of these developments.…Read More
How Technology is Transforming Market Research Take a typical adult to an ice cream parlor, says Richard Thorogood, and before making a choice they’ll weigh as many factors as there are flavors. “Well, I kind of want strawberry,” they’ll think, “but I always get strawberry, so maybe I should try…Read More
Many firms have introduced Internet-based customer self-service applications such as online payments or brokerage services. Despite high initial sign-up rates, not all customers actually shift their dealings online. We investigate whether the multistage nature of the adoption process (an “adoption funnel”) for such technologies can explain this low take-up.…Read More