Announcing Collective Impact, A “Virtual Salon” For Management Scholars

A small group of people sitting at a wooden table, engaged in a discussion, with notebooks and pens visible on the table.

The Mack Institute is pleased to announce the launch of Collective Impact Virtual Salon, an initiative of Wharton Management Professors Lori Rosenkopf and Dan Levinthal.  Collective Impact is a knowledge-sharing and blogging initiative inspired by a series of faculty discussion groups convened by Rosenkopf and Levinthal during the pandemic. Collective Impact brings together top management scholars forRead More

Would Chat GPT Get a Wharton MBA? New White Paper By Christian Terwiesch

A person in a suit and checkered shirt is smiling and standing in a hallway with large windows. The setting appears professional and modern.

GPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot from OpenAI, went viral soon after its launch, drawing attention to and raising questions about the future of generative AI. But is it smart enough to pass a final exam in a typical Wharton MBA course? Mack Institute Co-Director Christian Terwiesch published his findings inRead More

Y-Prize 2022-23 Finalists Announced

A stylized "Y" logo with a red, white, and blue color scheme. The top of the "Y" resembles a burst or sunburst design.

Congratulations to the four student teams chosen as finalists for this year’s Y-Prize competition: AtrioFlow, Bubble, Equimeter, and VoluVision! The Y-Prize competition challenges students to build their entrepreneurial skills by creating business plans for technologies invented at Penn Engineering. The team with the best commercial application wins $10,000 to helpRead More

Fall ’22 Collaborative Innovation Program Kicks Off

A small group of people in a meeting room, collaboratively engaged in a presentation on a wall-mounted screen.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This Fall semester, 27 students from Wharton’s Full-Time and Executive MBA Programs, plus Penn Engineering, are participating in this project-based course alongside seven different firmsRead More

Mack Institute To Explore Metaverse at Fall Industry Conference

A human hand and a wireframe digital hand reaching towards each other, symbolizing interaction between technology and humans.

The “Metaverse revolution” envisioned by tech scions like Mark Zuckerberg may not be here yet, but major players across industries are getting ready for it.  Citi Analysts called the Metaverse market a “trillion dollar opportunity” and heavy-hitting firms from Ford to Gucci have made headlines with their recent forays into immersiveRead More

Our Collaborative Innovation Program Experience: Developing A New AlcoBev Product

Five beverage cans with artistic labels featuring various abstract and colorful designs are standing in a row.

This past spring semester, Vishoka Balasubramanian WG’23, Shounak Mishra WG’22, Andres Ramirez WG’23, and Jordan Woodard WG’22 participated in the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (MGMT 892), a project-based course that brings Wharton students into real companies to help them solve problems and drive innovation strategies. The students in theRead More

Decision-Making Expert Paul Schoemaker on Corporate Vigilance and Scenario Planning

Paul Schoemaker Why do some firms survive or even thrive during challenging times, while others fail? Paul Schoemaker, a pioneer in the field of decision science and former Mack research director, explains two of the key concepts that firms must master to anticipate problems, challenges, and competitors. Paul Schoemaker on Vigilance PaulRead More

Insights From CIP: The Future of Leisure & Hospitality

A cozy cafe setting with vintage chairs in the foreground, a small group seated around a table in the background, and a staff member serving.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This past semester (Spring 2022), students consulted on a diverse lineup of live business challenges in industries ranging from hospitality to crypto. The projects offerRead More

Insights From CIP: Creating A Digital Supply Chain Sales Playbook

A large container ship loaded with colorful shipping containers on the water, accompanied by a small tugboat assisting in maneuvering.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This past semester (Spring 2022), students consulted on a diverse lineup of live business challenges in industries ranging from hospitality to crypto. The projects offerRead More

Insights From CIP: Rolling Out A New Alcobev

Cans of Jack Daniel''s beverages, featuring Tennessee Apple, Tennessee Honey Lemonade, and Tennessee Whiskey & Cola.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This past semester (Spring 2022), students consulted on a diverse lineup of live business challenges in industries ranging from hospitality to crypto. The projects offerRead More

John Paul MacDuffie in WSJ: Climate Change Technologies That Could Make All the Difference

A white silhouette of an electric car with a charging plug on a green background, symbolizing an electric vehicle charging station.

John Paul MacDuffie, Director of the Program on Vehicle and Mobility Innovation at the Mack Institute, was featured in the Wall Street Journal alongside other experts discussing innovations in green technology. MacDuffie weighed in on the development of more efficient EV batteries, which could speed along the adoption of electricRead More

Data in the Evolving Mobility Ecosystem

Aerial view of a complex highway interchange with multiple overpasses and lanes, surrounded by urban development and trees.

Data strategy for the future of mobility may be one of the greatest opportunities for firms to capture value from their innovation investments in connected vehicles. At the same time, adoption of data-first strategy presents potential pitfalls for data usage.Read More

Sarah Chung WG’22 On The Collaborative Innovation Program

Sarah Chung

This past fall semester, Sarah Chung WG’22 participated in the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (Management 892), a project-based course that brings Wharton students into real companies to help them solve problems and drive innovation strategies.  While Sarah has mostly worked in finance and retail (including stints at Capital GroupRead More