Crowdfunding Presents a New Phenomenon in Entrepreneurship

Bandar Foods co-founders

When it comes to starting businesses, some entrepreneurs are taking an alternative route to conventional venture capital fundraising – what industry calls “crowdfunding.” Crowdfunding, raising money from the public via online resources such as, is a relatively new phenomenon. Its potential to propel entrepreneurs to success has recently risenRead More

More MOOC Talk: Kevin Werbach on Hyperconnected Academic Freedom

Last year, Kevin Werbach organized Mack Center conferences on hyperconnectivity and IP-led communications. At the same time, the Wharton professor translated theory into practice, utilizing the internet’s rich potential and wide reach to teach an open, online course on gamification via Over 8000 students completed the 6-week massive onlineRead More

Core Team Member Sidney Winter Interviewed By Knowledge & Innovation Group

The Knowledge and Innovation Group interviewed Mack Center Core Team member Sidney Winter. In the interview professor Sidney Winter discusses the role of productive knowledge, characteristics of routines, organizational change and replication of knowledge. This interview is the first in the Knowledge Foundations series held by the Knowledge & InnovationRead More

Google, Innovation and Regulation: Michael Mandel in The Atlantic

Mack Center Senior Fellow Michael Mandel analyses the implications of the Federal Trade Commission’s settlement with Google for The Atlantic: The Google Way: How Washington Can Regulate Without Killing Growth. Mandel hails the FTC’s decision as proof that “regulatory agencies can be thoughtful about adopting pro-innovation, pro-growth policies without abandoningRead More

George Day and Michael Tomczyk Talk Scientific Innovation on’s Shelley DuBois quotes Mack Center co-director George Day and managing director Michael Tomczyk in her article 5 Science Breakthroughs in 2012. The piece celebrates “five big ideas in science that could reshape the business world,” including gene therapy, biomimicry, and augmented reality via smartphones. Day commented on the potentialRead More