Our Collaborative Innovation Program Experience: Developing A New AlcoBev Product

Five beverage cans with artistic labels featuring various abstract and colorful designs are standing in a row.

This past spring semester, Vishoka Balasubramanian WG’23, Shounak Mishra WG’22, Andres Ramirez WG’23, and Jordan Woodard WG’22 participated in the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (MGMT 892), a project-based course that brings Wharton students into real companies to help them solve problems and drive innovation strategies. The students in theRead More

Insights From CIP: The Future of Leisure & Hospitality

A cozy cafe setting with vintage chairs in the foreground, a small group seated around a table in the background, and a staff member serving.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This past semester (Spring 2022), students consulted on a diverse lineup of live business challenges in industries ranging from hospitality to crypto. The projects offerRead More

Insights From CIP: Creating A Digital Supply Chain Sales Playbook

A large container ship loaded with colorful shipping containers on the water, accompanied by a small tugboat assisting in maneuvering.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This past semester (Spring 2022), students consulted on a diverse lineup of live business challenges in industries ranging from hospitality to crypto. The projects offerRead More

Insights From CIP: Rolling Out A New Alcobev

Cans of Jack Daniel''s beverages, featuring Tennessee Apple, Tennessee Honey Lemonade, and Tennessee Whiskey & Cola.

Each semester, the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (CIP) brings Wharton and Penn students into some of the world’s top companies to solve organizational challenges. This past semester (Spring 2022), students consulted on a diverse lineup of live business challenges in industries ranging from hospitality to crypto. The projects offerRead More

Sarah Chung WG’22 On The Collaborative Innovation Program

Sarah Chung

This past fall semester, Sarah Chung WG’22 participated in the Mack Institute’s Collaborative Innovation Program (Management 892), a project-based course that brings Wharton students into real companies to help them solve problems and drive innovation strategies.  While Sarah has mostly worked in finance and retail (including stints at Capital GroupRead More