This Mack Institute white paper offers managers guidance, with insights drawn from a best practices survey of 192 companies, for creating a useful dashboard of innovation metrics.…Read More
This Mack Institute white paper offers managers guidance, with insights drawn from a best practices survey of 192 companies, for creating a useful dashboard of innovation metrics.…Read More
The work of innovation occurs within an organizational environment that can either help or hinder the necessary activities.…Read More
Why are some firms consistently able to grow faster than their rivals in the same industry? We employ dynamic capabilities theory to show that organic growth leaders excel because they have innovation prowess. …Read More
According to George Day, top businesses have a lot in common with top athletes. His research examines the qualities that separate “growth leaders” from “growth laggards” — in other words, the qualities that separate average or failing companies from those that achieve Olympic-level success.…Read More
David Heckman, practice leader, senior management at the Wharton School’s Aresty Institute of Executive Education, recently spoke with Mack Institute Co-director George Day about why innovation prowess is the key to growth leadership. The interview addresses the questions that Professor Day explores in his latest book Innovation Prowess: Leadership Strategies…Read More
George Day is featured in the May/June edition of The European Business Review in an article titled “The 3 C’s of Growth Leadership: Culture, Capabilities, and Configuration.” Professor Day’s article provides insight on how companies can increase their potential for innovation by attending to the three C’s: culture, capabilities, and configuration. Read…Read More
Achieving superior growth through innovation is a top strategic priority for all companies. Yet most management teams struggle to reach their firm’s ambitious growth targets and suffer slow growth.…Read More