Building a Connected Strategy: From Customer Experience to Technology Platforms

Connected Strategy Conference

At the Mack Institute’s Fall Conference 2016, leaders from across industries discussed their companies’ pursuit of “connected strategy” defined by continuous customer engagement.Read More

When Crowdfunding Crowds Out the Competition

A glass jar filled with assorted coins, mostly pennies and nickels. It represents saving or collecting spare change.

Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter have been popular in the U.S. for several years, allowing everyday consumers to fund entrepreneurial ventures in return for the finished product. While such “reward-based” crowdfunding can open many doors for entrepreneurs, could it also close others?Read More

How Partnerships Drive Health Care Innovation in Africa

Headshot of a person with shoulder-length, dark brown hair, smiling slightly, against a dark background.

By learning to effectively manage a diverse organizational ecosystem, the NGO North Star Alliance is driving health care innovation in sub-Saharan Africa. Mack Institute researcher Aline Gatignon interviews its former executive director about getting organizational culture right.Read More