When Crowdfunding Crowds Out the Competition

Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter have been popular in the U.S. for several years, allowing everyday consumers to fund entrepreneurial ventures in return for the finished product. While such “reward-based” crowdfunding can open many doors for entrepreneurs, could it also close others?Read More

How Partnerships Drive Health Care Innovation in Africa

By learning to effectively manage a diverse organizational ecosystem, the NGO North Star Alliance is driving health care innovation in sub-Saharan Africa. Mack Institute researcher Aline Gatignon interviews its former executive director about getting organizational culture right.Read More

How a Startup’s ‘Burn Rate’ Influences Its Success

A critical factor that determines whether a startup succeeds or fails is its level of spending, or burn rate. Research from professors Ron Berman and Pablo Hernandez-Lagos examines how an entrepreneur’s education and experience levels can predict a startup’s burn rate, and thus its odds of success.Read More