Field Experiments to Measure the Impact of Solar Lights at the Bottom of the Pyramid

Funded Research Proposal

Providing access to cleaner and cheaper lighting solutions is necessary to lift people out of poverty. The magnitude of the economic, health, and educational impacts created by these lighting solutions as we move up the energy ladder, however, is not clear.Read More

Credit Supply & Entrepreneurship in Low-Income Regions

Working Papers

We show that bank credit affects entrepreneurship, but only in low-income regions. We use a novel methodology to identify credit supply shock from regional demand shock using comprehensive data on small business loans between pairs of banks and counties in the US.Read More

Living from Paycheck to Paycheck: The Implications of Paycheck Dispersion for Gig Economy Workers

Funded Research Proposal

Despite the prevalence of paycheck dispersion, defined as fluctuations in the amount of pay they receive in return for their labor from paycheck to paycheck, in contemporary employment relationships, we know relatively little about its consequences for organizations.Read More

Intellectual Property Rights, Professional Business Services and Earnings Inequality

Working Papers

High skill labor demand is infrequent but firms cannot adjust perfectly due to several adjustment costs. Professional Business Services (PBS) sector help alleviate this problem by allowing high skill labor to move across firms, reducing idiosyncratic part of labor demand risk.Read More

Do Institutional Reforms Perpetuate or Mitigate the Matthew Effect? Intellectual Property Rights and Access to International Alliances

Published Research

We explore how intellectual property rights (IPR), a type of formal institution, affect firms’ access to global alliance networks and their positioning within those networks. We employed a difference-in-difference design to assess the impact of IPR reforms across thirteen countries.Read More