Entrepreneurs leading digital ventures are often advised to be adaptable. However, research on how to pursue adaptable strategies and whether such strategies improve short- or long-term digital venture outcomes is sparse.…Read More
Entrepreneurs leading digital ventures are often advised to be adaptable. However, research on how to pursue adaptable strategies and whether such strategies improve short- or long-term digital venture outcomes is sparse.…Read More
A groundbreaking study that assesses the potential impact of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on MBA programs.…Read More
Executive Director Saikat Chaudhuri gives his perspective on the Wharton Global Forum in Beijing, themed “Growth through Innovation.”…Read More
Across industries both old and new, “innovation” is emerging as something of a buzzword. A recent Philips white paper, “From Insight to Impact: Realizing the Potential of Innovation,” seeks to redefine it as more than just a tool for gaining competitive advantage. Emphasizing the idea of “high impact innovation”—an advance…Read More
Last year, Kevin Werbach organized Mack Center conferences on hyperconnectivity and IP-led communications. At the same time, the Wharton professor translated theory into practice, utilizing the internet’s rich potential and wide reach to teach an open, online course on gamification via Coursera.org. Over 8000 students completed the 6-week massive online…Read More
Mack Center Core Team member Karl Ulrich features in a Financial Times article on “massive open online courses” (MOOCs). The Wharton School has so far offered six open courses via Coursera.org. “Even if we never earned a dime from Coursera, it’s great value to reach so many people,” comments Ulrich,…Read More