Vaibhav Katkade WG’20 finds merit in blending structured and unstructured methods to effectively identify and solve the most pressing customer problems.…Read More
Vaibhav Katkade WG’20 finds merit in blending structured and unstructured methods to effectively identify and solve the most pressing customer problems.…Read More
We study how collocation — geographic clustering of business establishments owned by the same parent company — influences the productivity of establishments over time.…Read More
How Technology is Transforming Market Research Take a typical adult to an ice cream parlor, says Richard Thorogood, and before making a choice they’ll weigh as many factors as there are flavors. “Well, I kind of want strawberry,” they’ll think, “but I always get strawberry, so maybe I should try…Read More
Mobile and social technology have introduced a major cultural shift in the way we communicate. Why companies need to tailor their market research strategies – and their cycle times – accordingly.…Read More