Opportunities and Risks in Belief Distribution Elicitations

Funded Research Proposal

Researchers and practitioners have increasingly embraced the novel practice of eliciting the entire belief distributions, as it provides a more thorough understanding of stakeholders’ beliefs. My recent paper (co-authored with Professor Joe Simmons) suggests that constructing belief distributions can sometimes inadvertently exacerbate people’s overconfidence in their predictions.Read More

AI Decision Aids and Metacognition

Funded Research Proposal

The proposed research focuses on how people use and perceive innovative decision aids, for example, AI tools like ChatGPT. Individuals and organizations are increasingly outsourcing part of their labor or decision-making process to these tools. The proposed research aims to investigate the perception around using AI decision aids, both in terms of its impact on individuals’ metacognitive assessments and observers’ social judgments. Read More

Understanding the Downstream Consequences of “Play to Earn”

Funded Research Proposal

This project examines the downstream consequences, both intended and unintended, of the “play to earn” experience. As the global pandemic was ravaging jobs around the world, blockchain-based “play to earn” games offered people in developing countries the opportunity to earn extra income and even make a living from playing these games.Read More