Strategies and actions from executives around the world for creating and maintaining workplaces where employees innovate and thrive; leading during crises; and elevating corporate social responsibility.…Read More
Strategies and actions from executives around the world for creating and maintaining workplaces where employees innovate and thrive; leading during crises; and elevating corporate social responsibility.…Read More
This article comments on the behavioral theory of strategy advanced in Gavetti. His proposal offers valuable insights into the cognitive aspects of strategy when leaders are trying for big wins. It provides less guidance for understanding the actual achievement of success, partly because it underestimates the role of serendipity and of contextual factors illuminated by prior strategy research.…Read More
A common approach to innovation, parallel search, is to identify a large number of opportunities and then to select a subset for further development, with just a few coming to fruition. One potential weakness with parallel search is that it permits repetition. The same, or a similar, idea might be generated multiple times.…Read More