Tim Davis, President of The UPS Store, discusses how the subsidiary combines brick-and-mortar with e-commerce strategies to adapt to the changing retail landscape.…Read More
Tim Davis, President of The UPS Store, discusses how the subsidiary combines brick-and-mortar with e-commerce strategies to adapt to the changing retail landscape.…Read More
Jenna Behrer, Senior Director and Head of Innovation at Heineken USA, discusses how the company is translating strategies from Europe to the very different U.S. beverage market.…Read More
Doug Straton, Chief Digital Commerce Officer at Hershey, explains why even a chocolate maker needs a robust digital strategy to connect with today’s customers.…Read More
Omni-channel environments where customers can shop online and offline at the same retailer are increasingly ubiquitous. Furthermore, the presence of both channels has important implications for customer demand and operational issues such as product returns.…Read More
Offline demise and offline renaissance is the paradox of new retail writ large. Swiss multinational financial services company Credit Suisse projects that by the time the numbers are in, more than 8,500 stores in the United States will have closed in 2017.…Read More
Retail customers are now “omnichannel” in their outlook and behavior — they use both online and offline retail channels readily. To thrive in this new environment, retailers of all types should reexamine their strategies for delivering information and products to customers.…Read More
Conventional wisdom holds that the internet makes the world flat and reduces friction by erasing the impact of the physical world on our buying habits. But Wharton professor David Bell argues that the way we use the internet is still largely shaped by the physical world we inhabit.…Read More