Emergence of new markets, distributed entrepreneurship and the university: Fostering development in India

Gita Surie, Management, Marketing and Decision Sciences, Adelphi University

International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, January 2011

Abstract: University-industry partnerships facilitate socio-economic development by incubating innovations and diffusing entrepreneurial capabilities to create new markets in rural areas. Complexity theory based approaches are used to develop a process model of emergence based on a case study of a leading Indian technical institution involved in creating new technologies and markets. The process model outlines three key mechanisms by which university-industry linkages can address the dual challenge of achieving global competitiveness and promoting rural development: 1. system reconfiguration; 2. technological recombination; 3. entrepreneurship dissemination. The emergence of new markets is contingent on the development and deployment of innovative, low-cost technologies that foster distributed entrepreneurship.

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