How soon will autonomous vehicles transform how humans get around? Join our newly expanded Forecasting Challenge to help us predict the future of mobility.…Read More
How soon will autonomous vehicles transform how humans get around? Join our newly expanded Forecasting Challenge to help us predict the future of mobility.…Read More
There’s a hard line to toe between fashion and function. Google knows all about it. The company released Google Glass—essentially, computerized eyewear— in February of this year. Ultimately, Google’s goal is to create a ubiquitous computer available for mass production and consumption. Instead of lenses, the Glass uses a head-up…Read More
Mack Center Senior Fellow Michael Mandel analyses the implications of the Federal Trade Commission’s settlement with Google for The Atlantic: The Google Way: How Washington Can Regulate Without Killing Growth. Mandel hails the FTC’s decision as proof that “regulatory agencies can be thoughtful about adopting pro-innovation, pro-growth policies without abandoning…Read More
In 2004 the Internet search firm Google announced an ambitious plan to scan and render searchable the contents of major research libraries. This amounted to a large-scale effort to render the contents of the books into immaterial and easily manipulated and transferred information.…Read More