Preferences, Structure and Influence: The Engineering of Consent

Published Research

I present a decision process framework that informs the design and implementation of stakeholder influence strategy. This process combines insights from agent-based dynamic utility and dynamic network processes. Stakeholders strategically seek an outcome as close as possible to their preferred point but also wish to be on the winning side and not to pursue positions divergent from stakeholders with whom they have strong affective ties.Read More

Progressive Business: Where Turning a Profit and Saving the Planet Collide

A forest scene with tall trees and a small stream running through a rocky and leaf-covered ground, suggesting an autumn setting.

If I had a nickel for every time I forgot to recycle, I would approach Richard Branson status. But even Branson himself, the billionaire founder of Virgin Group, has taken the initiative to promote more responsible behavior when it comes to our planet, a move that Wharton-sponsored research says couldRead More