Rahul Kapoor, Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School
Abstract: The study considers the interdependencies between complementors in the business ecosystem and explores the nature of collaborative interactions between them. It sheds light on the organizational and the strategic contexts in which such interactions take place, and shows how they may influence the pattern and the benefits of collaboration. The evidence presented is based on fieldwork followed by a detailed survey instrument administered to firms in the semiconductor industry. The findings, while reinforcing the shift in the locus of value creation from focal firms to collaborative business ecosystems characterized by information sharing and joint action among complementors, illustrate the organizational and the competitive challenges that firms face in their pursuit of joint value creation.
Rahul Kapoor (2014), Collaborating with Complementors: What Do Firms Do?, in Ron Adner , Joanne E. Oxley , Brian S. Silverman (ed.) Collaboration and Competition in Business Ecosystems (Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 30) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.3 – 25