Learning From the Collective Impact Dissertation Workshop: A Student’s Perspective

Christopher Bruno (Guest Author) Deciding to “take on more work” as a PhD student.  Last year, I had the pleasure to participate in the inaugural Collective Impact dissertation workshop offered by this salon [Learn more here]. Initially I hesitated to show interest because it sounded like “more work” on topRead More

News You Can Use: How Staying in Touch with the World Improves Your Problem Sense

by Jerry Davis In partnership with Phanish Phurnam and the Collective Impact Salon, we are in the second year of our project to help PhD students choose a dissertation topic. We started with a familiar insight: the time after comprehensive exams can be a twilight zone of uncertainty. Doctoral trainingRead More

On the Folly of Rewarding Production While Hoping For Quality: Reconsidering How Peer Review Is Essential For Collective Impact

by Matthew A. Cronin (Guest Author) Peer review is an essential part of the “collective” in creating collective impact. It is what makes management science science. In a time when desirable findings and folk wisdom can be easily dressed up using pseudoscience, unsound tests, confirmatory hypothesis testing, or a hostRead More

Teaching Generalizability to Both Undergraduate and Doctoral Students

by Lori Rosenkopf Determining how and when empirical results are generalizable is critical to increase the impact of academic research. It is also a valuable thinking skill for non-academics. Hence, we need to build this skill into our educational offerings at all levels. Since doctoral students are academics in training,Read More

Response to “From Quasi-Replication to Generalization”

by Phanish Puranam Lori and Dan's post "From Quasi-Replication to Generalization: Making 'Basis Variables' Visible" gives us a nice way to think about generalization in terms of “basis variables”.  I’d like to extend their thought with a complementary way of thinking about generalization using machine learning (ML) techniques. Generalization canRead More