Christopher Bruno (Guest Author) Deciding to “take on more work” as a PhD student. Last year, I had the pleasure to participate in the inaugural Collective Impact dissertation workshop offered by this salon [Learn more here]. Initially I hesitated to show interest because it sounded like “more work” on top…Read More
by Jerry Davis In a previous post I described the benefits of using the real world to source research topics, and how seasoned scholars like Mayer Zald had the ability to read the newspaper and have insightful takes that could spark a study – maybe even a dissertation. The world…Read More
by Jerry Davis In partnership with Phanish Phurnam and the Collective Impact Salon, we are in the second year of our project to help PhD students choose a dissertation topic. We started with a familiar insight: the time after comprehensive exams can be a twilight zone of uncertainty. Doctoral training…Read More
by Abdullah Almaatouq (Guest Author) My PhD journey began with a clear vision: to unravel the interplay between social network structures and their collective outcomes. I was particularly interested in the collective intelligence arising in those structures. With several projects already underway on this topic, I felt prepared. Perhaps optimistically,…Read More
by Rocki-Lee DeWitt (Guest Author) By virtue of my rank and choice of where to work, I am privileged to be an academic the way I think best fits the academic me. I focus my effort on delivering benefits for business owners. Please do not jump to the conclusion that…Read More
by Tim Simcoe (Guest Author) This post is in response to Olav Sorenson’s Want Your Research To Have Impact? Consider These Three Questions. In an earlier contribution to this salon, Olav Sorenson proposed that “impactful” research provides a basis for believing that a feasible action will produce meaningful change in…Read More
by Matthew A. Cronin (Guest Author) Peer review is an essential part of the “collective” in creating collective impact. It is what makes management science science. In a time when desirable findings and folk wisdom can be easily dressed up using pseudoscience, unsound tests, confirmatory hypothesis testing, or a host…Read More
by Gautam Ahuja I thank Myles for providing a very nice starting point for an interesting debate here. Let me present a different perspective. First, a novel theoretical contribution does not imply a complete new theory. Indeed most published papers with a theoretical contribution provide only a nuance or conditioning…Read More