The Mack Institute is thrilled to welcome Constance Helfat, who has joined us as a visiting scholar from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, where she is J. Brian Quinn Professor in Technology and Strategy.
Professor Helfat’s research focuses on strategic renewal, including technological innovation and firm capabilities for strategic change. She also conducts research on corporate executives and managers, especially with respect to technological and strategic change.
While at the Mack Institute, Professor Helfat’s research will focus on the capability of firms that run “platform ecosystems” on the Internet and must continuously innovate. In another project, she is analyzing how strategic choices by firms shape the markets in which they operate.
Professor Helfat has published widely in leading academic journals, and has written and edited three academic books. She is a Fellow of the Strategic Management Society, received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management, and serves as co-editor of the Strategic Management Journal and associate editor of the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management.
Professor Helfat received her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley and her Ph.D. from Yale University in economics.