Supporting students in their innovation-related pursuits is an important part of the Mack Institute’s mission. We sponsor the Wharton Technology Club, helping them bring tech industry players to campus to share their experience and knowledge with students. This guest post by incoming club president Stephanie Au gives a peek at the club’s most recent speaker event.
On Tuesday, March 25th, Wharton MBA students filled a classroom in Hunstman Hall to hear David Linder from Google Zoo, an ad agency-like group at the company, speak as a part of the Wharton Tech Club’s weekly Tech Tuesday programming.
Linder spent the hour prompting students to think critically about how changes in the digital landscape are changing consumer preferences and how brands thrive. Brands can no longer rely on traditional advertising alone. More than ever, content is king. Brands must embrace that facts that content is liquid and it is always on, and must navigate this brave new world of digital advertising where it is not the brands that make the brands, but the people.
Linder’s thesis around this new age of advertising or “advertising 3.0” are driven by four key pillars: invention (e.g., mobile), innovation (e.g., YouTube), orchestration (e.g., creative brand campaigns), and the user. And from the uplifting Lady Gaga Google Chrome video to the Dodge Journey’s inspiring engagement-driven campaign, Linder supported his perspective with the currency of communication today—great content.