Spring Conference 2025

Productivity in the Age of
Intelligent Automation

Friday, March 21, 2025
Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Room 245

While the emerging capabilities of artificial intelligence are mind-boggling, when they might lead to as impressive productivity gains is highly uncertain. High costs of AI technologies, complexity of white-collar jobs, and risks of losing control over the input and output are oft-mentioned reasons for cautious views of productivity gains from intelligent automation.   

The conference will go back to the basics of managing and improving productivity, take stock of the current situation, and identify best practices for deploying AI productively. Presentations and conversations will evolve around the following questions: 

  • How should we measure and compare productivity of humans and AI? 
  • Which human tasks and jobs are getting automated? In what functions and industries do we currently see AI-driven productivity gains? What trends are emerging? 
  • How are intelligent automation projects developed and implemented? 
  • How do productivity gains vary across three types of AI technologies: tools, agents, and robots? 
  • What is the role for humans when AI tools, agents, and robots are introduced? 

We will explore these questions at the Penn campus in Philadelphia, alongside leading researchers and practitioners from Wharton and our corporate partners.