Recent Projects
What Is the Best Model for an OSS-Based Startup?
Participants collaborated with Turkish startup LeoDrive to assess the tradeoffs between open-source and proprietary licensing models for autonomous driving. They proposed profit-generating business models that balance rapid development with the need for recurring revenue.
Vitality of an Open-Source Community
This project evaluated the health and performance of the Autoware Foundation’s Open-Source Software (OSS) community by analyzing members’ contributions and collaboration. The next step is identifying and implementing interventions that can strengthen the community and enhance the attractiveness of the OSS model.
Software-Defined Vehicles
Participants worked with semi-conductor company Arm on the SOAFEE initiative to develop a cloud-native software architecture for vehicles, essential for over-the-air (OTA) software upgrades. They identified a business model that maximizes the architecture’s benefits while minimizing associated risks, ensuring safe and efficient cloud connections.
Industry and Academic Leaders
Rahul Mangharam, SEAS
Christian John, TierIV/Autoware
John Paul MacDuffie, The Wharton School
Former Mack Fellows
Wanxing Dai, IBM
Soumya Dash, Google