Strategy Science Conference

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We are pleased to announce the third annual Strategy Science Conference, taking place May 1, 2020. Due to travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference has moved online. Please see the full agenda below.

This conference is co-sponsored by the journal Strategy Science and the Mack Institute for Innovation Management at the Wharton School. Strategy Science, an INFORMS journal, is establishing itself as an important voice in the strategy field, providing an outlet for innovative strategy research tackling central questions in the field. In this spirit, the conference will provide an opportunity for strategy researchers to share their work in video sessions with opportunity for ongoing virtual discussion. All sessions will be recorded and will be posted on the conference website after the fact.


All times are in EDT (UTC -5)

9:00–9:10 a.m. — Welcome

9:15–10:45 a.m. — Parallel Sessions

Session 1

The Close Relationship Between Management Practices and Corporate Culture
Neil Thompson with Donald Sull and Hyo Kang

Birds of a Feather…Enforce Social Norms? Interactions among Culture, Norms, and Strategy
Eric Van den Steen with Hongyi Li

Desert Places: Cooperatives as Infrastructure Providers in Marginalized Areas
Aseem Kaul with Hyoju Jeong and Jiao Luo

Session 2

Selection Committees and The Acceleration of Women-Led Ventures
Sarah Kaplan with Nel Dutt

Online Training Programs and (In)equality: Rewiring the Gender Distribution of Technical Jobs
Jacqueline Lane with Karim Lakhani and Roberto Fernandez

Uncovering the Impact of Venture Capital Firms on Startup Innovation
Elisa Alvarez-Garrido

How Nonprofit Actors Shape Business Ecosystems: Nonprofit vs. Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials
Elena Plaksenkova

10:45–11:00 a.m. — Break

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — Parallel Sessions

Session 3

Software Development Kits and Product Innovation: Modularity and Ecosystem Perspectives
Sungyong Chang with Hyunseob Kim

Policy Uncertainty, Technological Competition and Industry Dynamism
Daniel Keum

The Effciency of Mediocrity: Strategic Organization Design in Uncertain Environments
Tobias Kretschmer with Johannes Jaspersen

Zooming In or Zooming Out: Entrants’ Product Usage Breadth in the Nascent Drone Industry
Mahka Moeen with Anavir Shermon and Mahka Moeen

Session 4

Make, Buy, or Redesign. The impact of digital technologies on the organization of production
Axel Zeijen with Luigi Marengo and Stefano Brusoni

Myopic search and temporally distant goals
Daniel Albert with Anoop Menon

Producer Exploration Generates Categories without Audiences
Anthony Vashevko

12:30–1:30 p.m. — Break

1:30–3:00 p.m. — Parallel Sessions

Session 5

The distribution of long-term firm performance
Phebo Wibbens

Measuring Founding Strategy
Jorge Guzman with Aishen Li

Unconventional times: Demand shocks, competition, capability, and innovation
Yue Maggie Zhou with Frank Li and Sendil Ethiraj

Session 6

Overtime work, (in)flexible schedules and women’s career progressions
Luisa Gagliardi with Myriam Mariani, Stefano Breschi, and Dirk Hovy

The Effects of Temporal Distance on Communication Patterns in a Large Multinational: Evidence from Daylight Savings Time
Jasmina Chauvin with Prithwiraj Choudhury and Tommy Pan Fang

The Breakdown and Recovery of Cooperation in Large Groups: Exploring the Role of Formal Structure Using a Field Experiment
Francisco Brahm with Christoph Loch and Cristina Riquelme

3:00–3:15 p.m. — Break

3:15–4:45 p.m. — Parallel Sessions

Session 7

Video Case: A Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Strategy
Tarun Khanna

 The Growth of Strategic Cognitive Skills
Sheen Levine

 Developing an Effective Corporate Innovation System: The Case of the Bosch Group
Jana Thiel

Session 8

Governing Investment in Inter-Firm Collaborations: the Role of Contracts
Giorgio Zanarone with Desmond Lo and Mrinal Ghosh

Make or Buy Decisions and Investments in New Process Technology
Gordon Walker

Contraction for The Sake of Expansion – An Oxymoron?
Niron Hashai with Netanel Drori and Christian Asmussen

Platform-based business models
Richard Makadok with Anparasan Mahalingam

4:50–5:00 p.m. — Goodbye


“Poster” Sessions

About the Organizer

Nicolaj Siggelkow
Nicolaj Siggelkow
David M. Knott Professor of Management
Co-director, Mack Institute for Innovation Management